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新商务英语阅读教程-4 本书特色

  “新商务英语教程”系列教材采用话题、语言技能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,以话题为核心,语言技能为主线,精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教学单元。本教材为周瑞杰主编的《新商务英语阅读教程4 》,全书共8个单元,每单元由learning objectives,lead-in,embracing english, extending your english和self-evaluation 5个模块构成,在扩大阅读量的同时对英语阅读基本技能及相关职业技能进行训练。   本教材可供高职高专院校商务英语专业和应用英语专业外贸和涉外文秘方向的学生在二年级下学期使用。

新商务英语阅读教程-4 目录

unit 1 corporate culture  learning objectives    section a  lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  what does corporate culture really mean?      text b  components of a great corporate culture    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill: reading between the lines (理解文章字里行间的含义)1      ii.applying the reading skill: cultural diversity in the workplace      iii.job skill: reading and understanding incident and progress report (读懂事故报告与进度报告)    section d  self-evaluationunit 2 trademarks and brands  learning objectives    section a lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  how does a trademark work?      text b  building a strong brand    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill:reading between the lines (理解文章字里行间的含义)2      ii.applying the reading skill: the power of branding      iii.job skill:reading and understanding a travel report (读懂差旅报告)    section d  self-evaluationunit 3 mechanism of the board  learning objectives    section a lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  forming of the board directors      text b  the concept of corporate govemance with the board    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill: understanding the tones (理解作者的语气)1      ii.applying the reading skill: should a private company have a board of directors?      iii.job skill: reading and understanding summaries (读懂摘要)    section d  self-evaluationunit 4 stock market  learning objectives    section a  lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  stock market bubble      text b  befiavior of the stock market    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill:understanding the tones (理解作者的语气) 2      ii.applying the reading skill: america's stock market: better than the alternatives      iii.job skill: reading and understanding advertisements (读懂广告)    section d  self-evaluationunit 5 overseas market  learning objectives    section a lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  a global marketing strategy      text b  go west, e-tailers!    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill:outlining the text (概括文章要点) 1      ii.applying the reading skill: technology helps business go global      iii.job skill: reading and understanding fliers and brochures (读懂小广告传单与宣传册)    section d  self-evaluationunit 6 vision of the company  learning objectives    section a lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  get employees excited about your business vision      text b  building your company's vision    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill: outlining the text (概括文章要点)2      ii.applying the reading skill: company vision statement and business planning      iii.job skill:reading and understanding instructions and procedure descriptions(读懂说明书)    section d  self-evaluationunit 7 business geeks  learning objectives    section a  lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  the business geek: not an oxymoron      text b  why business needs more geeks?    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill: understanding the author's purpose (理解作者意图) 1      ii.applying the reading skill: look for the natural leaders among your geeks      iii.job skill: reading and understanding foreign trade documents (读懂外贸单证)1    section d  self-evaluationunit 8 top 500  learning objectives    section a lead-in    section b  embracing english      text a  being a fortune 500 company      text b  10% of global 500 produce 73% of greenhouse gases    section c  extending your english      i.approaching the reading skill: understanding the author's purpose (理解作者意图)2      ii.applying the reading skill: world's 500 largest corporations in 2013: the chineseare rising      iii.job skill: reading and understanding foreign trade documents (读懂外贸单证2)    section d  self-evaluationnew words and expressions

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