企业信息系统创新性使用的实证研究作者:王玮著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787509606346 定价:35.0 出版时间:2009-07-01 出版社:经济管理出版社 |
企业信息系统创新性使用的实证研究 内容简介
企业信息系统创新性使用的实证研究 目录
chapter 1 introduction1.1 motivation
1.2 research questions and objectives
1.3 significance ofthe study
1.4 organization ofthe study
chapter 2 literature review
2.1 related concepts
2.1.1 defining information systems
2.1.2 defining enterprise systems
2.1.3 defininginnovative use
2.2 review of individual technology acceptance research
2.2.1 theory ofreasoned action
2.2.2 theory ofplanned behavior
2.2.3 technology acceptance model
2.2.4 diffusion ofinnovation
2.2.5 limitations of prior studies
2.3 review of individual technology post-acceptance research
2.3.1 continued usage research continuance: an extension of acceptance behavior continuance: not an extension of acceptance behavior
2.3.2 sophisticated usage research
2.4 review of organizational adoption research
2.5 summary
chapter 3 theoretical foundations and research hypotheses
3.1 theoretical foundations
3.1.1 is continuance model
3.1.2 organizational diffusion and assimilation framework rogers's innovation-decision process cooper and zmud's assimilation framework gallivan's organizational assimilation framework
3.2 research model
3.3 research hypotheses
3.4 summary of research hypotheses
chapter 4 research design and methodology
4.1 research design
4.2 information system selection
4.3 research site
4.4 sampling strategy
4.5 measures
4.6 data collection
4.6.1 questionnaire translation and back.translation
4.6.2 pilot study
4.6.3 field survey
chapter 5 data analysis and results
5.1 demographic characteristics of the sample
5.2 descriptive statistics
5.3 measurement model
5.3.1 construct reliability
5.3.2 unidimensionality
5.3.3 convergent validity
5.3.4 discriminant validity
5.4 structural model
chapter 6 discussions and conclusion
6.1 discussions
6.1.1 perceived usefulness
6.1.2 satisfaction
6.1.3 personal innovativeness with it
6.1.4 computer self-efficacy
6.1.5 management support
6.2 strengths
6.3 limitations
6.4 implications for research and practice
6.4.1 implications for research
6.4.2 implications for practice
6.5 contribution
6.5.1 post-acceptance research
6.5.2 mandatory usage research
6.6 conclusion
企业信息系统创新性使用的实证研究 作者简介
王玮,山东淄博人,管理学博士,现为汕头大学商学院教授,研究方向为电子商务、知识管理、信息技术的采纳和组织实施。美国管理学会会员,国际信息系统学会会员。先后获得中山大学信息学专业学士、硕士学位,香港理工大学管理学博士学位。曾在中山大学信息科技学院担任讲师、副教授,在香港理工大学管理及市场学系从事研究工作。1999~2000年,在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校做访问学者。研究论文多次被Academy Of Management Conference、International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS)、Americas Conference onInformation System (AMCfS)、Pacmc AsiaConference on Information System(PACfS)等国际学术会议录用并作为会议宣读论文。研究论文获得2005年亚太信息系统年会(PACIS)最佳论文提名奖以及2006年国际信息系统年会(ICIS)HCI Track最佳论文奖。现在已有近30篇论文在国内外学术刊物发表,多篇论文被SCI、SSCI收录,出版专业教材两部。
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