国际金融-第14版作者:(美)普格尔著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787300106588 定价:35.0 出版时间:2009-07-01 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 |
国际金融-第14版 目录
第1章 国际经济学是一门独特的学科第1篇 理解外汇第2章 国际收支第3章 外汇市场第4章 远期交易与国际金融投资第5章 汇率是由什么决定的第6章 政府的外汇市场政策第7章 国际借贷与金融危机第2篇 开放经济中的宏观经济政策第8章 开放的宏观经济是如何运作的第9章 固定汇率制下的内外部平衡第10章 浮动汇率制与内部平衡第11章 国家与世界的选择:浮动汇率制与其他汇率制度附录A 国际收支会计附录B 各种平价关系一览附录C 开放经济中的总供给与总需求附录D 货币贬值与经常项目余额习题参考答案国际金融-第14版 节选
国际金融-第14版 相关资料
插图:In the customer or retail part of the spot foreign exchange market, individuals, busi- nesses, and other organizations can acquire foreign moneys to make payments, or they can sell foreign moneys that they have received in payments. The spot foreign exchange market thus provides clearing services that permit payments to flow between individuals, businesses, and other organizations that prefer to use different moneys. These payments are for all of the types of items included in the balance-of-payments accounts, including payments for exports and imports of goods and services and pay- ments for purchases or sales of foreign financial assets.An example can show how this works. The example also demonstrates the role of demand deposits as the major form of money traded in the foreign exchange market. Consider a British firm that has purchased a small airplane (a corporate jet) from the U.S. producer of the plane and now is making the payment for it. If the British finn pays by writing a check in pounds sterling, the U.S. finn receiving the sterling check must be content to hold on to sterling bank deposits or sell the sterling for dollars. Alternatively, if the U.S. finn will accept payment only in dollars, then it is the British buyer who must sell sterling to get the dollars to pay the U.S. exporter.Let's assume that the latter is the case. The British firm contacts its bank and requests a quotation of the exchange rate for selling pounds and acquiring dol- lars. If the rate is acceptable, the British finn instructs its bank to take the pounds from its demand deposit (checking) account, to convert these pounds into dol- lars, and to transfer the dollars to the U.S. producer. The British bank holds dollar demand deposits in the United States, at its correspondent bank in New York. The British bank instructs its correspondent bank in New York to take dollars from its demand deposit account and tr
国际金融-第14版 作者简介
托马斯·A·普格尔(Thomas A.Pugel)美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院经济学及国际商务学教授,斯特恩商学院优秀教学奖项目成员。拥有密歇根州立大学经济学学士学位和哈佛大学经济学博士学位。其主要研究及著作领域为国际产业竞争及政府的国际贸易政策和产业政策。普格尔教授曾任日本青山大学客座教授,并在中国工业科技管理大连培训中心任教。他于1991年荣获纽约大学杰出教学奖,并两次被斯特恩商学院评选为“年度教授”。
管理 金融/投资 国际金融
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