卡耐基经典-人性的弱点.人性的优点.语言的突破(英文原版)作者:DALE CARNEGIE 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787507419726 定价:45.0 出版时间:2008-05-01 出版社:中国城市出版社 |
卡耐基经典-人性的弱点.人性的优点.语言的突破(英文原版) 本书特色
卡耐基经典-人性的弱点.人性的优点.语言的突破(英文原版) 内容简介
卡耐基经典-人性的弱点.人性的优点.语言的突破(英文原版) 目录
how to win friends and influence peopleeight things this book will help you achieve
preface to revised edition
how this book was written--and why by dale carnegie
nine suggestions on how to get the most out of this book
part one fundamental techniques in handling people
1 "if you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive"
2 the big secret of dealing with people
3 "he who can do this has the whole world with him. he who cannot walks a lonely way"
part two six ways to make people like you
4 do this and you'll be welcome anywhere
5 a simple way to make a good first impression
6 if you don't do this, you are headed for trouble
7 an easy way to become a good conversationalist
8 how to interest people
9 how to make people like you instantly
part three how to win people to your way of thinking
10 you can't win an argument
11 a sure way of making enemies--and how toavoid it
12 if you're wrong, admit it
13 a drop of honey
14 the secret of socrates
15 the safety valve in handling complaints
16 how to get co-operation
17 a formula that will work wonders for you
18 what everybody wants
19 an appeal that everybody likes
20 the movies do it. tv does it. why don't you do it?
21 when nothing else works, try this
part four be a leader: how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment
22 if you must find fault, this is the way to begin
23 how to criticize--and not be hated for it
24 talk about your own mistakes first
25 no one likes to take orders
26 let the other
33 do this and you'll be looking up the time-tables to reno
34 a quick way to make everybody happy
35 they mean so much to a woman
36 if you want to be happy, don't neglect this one
37 don't be a "marriage illiterate"
how to stop worrying and start living
preface how this book was written--and why
part one fundamental facts you should know about worry
1 live in "day-tight compartments"
2 a magic formula for solving worry situations
3 what worry may do to you
part two basic techniques in analysing worry
4 how to analyse and solve worry problems
5 how to eliminate fifty per cent of your business worries
part three how to break the worry habit before it breaks you
6 how to crowd worry out of your mind
7 don't let the beetles get you down
8 a law that will outlaw many of your worries
9 cooperate with the inevitable
10 put a "stop-loss" order on your worries
11 don't try to saw sawdust
part four seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness
12 eight words that can transform your life
13 the high cost of getting even
14 if you do this, you will never worry about ingratitude
15 would you take a million dollars for what you have?
16 find yourself and be yourself: remember there is no one else on earth like you
17 if you have a lemon, make a lemonade
18 how to cure melancholy in fourteen days
part five the golden rule for conquering worry
19 how my mother and
part eight how to find the kind of work in which you may be happy and successful
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