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作者:克里斯·加德纳(Chris Gardner)

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当幸福来敲门-英文版 本书特色

《当幸福来敲门(英文版)》:从贫民窟到 华尔街——底层黑人白手起家的商界传奇历经磨难不离不弃——单亲父亲感人至深的励志经典荣登《纽约时报》畅销排行榜**名同名电影获金球奖、奥斯卡双料提名好莱坞*有价值演员威尔·史密斯携子同台演绎父子情深

当幸福来敲门-英文版 内容简介


当幸福来敲门-英文版 目录

part one
chapter 1 candy
chapter 2 the no-daddy blues
chapter 3 where's momma?
 chapter 4 bitches brew(side a)
 chapter 5 bitches brew(side b)
part two
 chapter 6 the world beyond
 chapter 7 pictures of a life
 chapter 8 turned out(an intro)
 chapter 9 turned out(advanced)
 chapter 10 california dreamin
part three
 chapter 11 roses in the ghetto
 chapter 12 sphere of influence

当幸福来敲门-英文版 节选


当幸福来敲门-英文版 相关资料

The first person I had told in San Francisco was Dr. Ellis. If I was looking forsomeone to beg me to reconsider, Robert Ellis wasn't that person. Genuinely pleased forme, he went on to loan me the hundred bucks I needed for a suit to get married in, and thenhe shocked me even more by suggesting, "Take an extra day off." For a guy who was asobsessed with work as Buffalo Bob, that was unbeard of. My next stop was the jewelry district on Market Street, where I miraculously found adiamond ring for nine hundred dollars that I bought on credit. It looked old-fashioned, withclusters of little diamonds in a flower shape and a band that tumed out to be white gold. Enroute to Virginia on the airplane, I was so nervous carrying a diamond ring in my pocketthat I had to check on it every five minutes to make sure it hadn't been mysteriously stolenduring that time. It was the nicest thing I'd ever bought for anyone, and I was sure Sherrywas going to like it.

当幸福来敲门-英文版 作者简介

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