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    书中各课的内容都有内在联系,根据目的有机地贯穿在一起。书中穿插的Better Writing
Study Guide则是对学习者在学习前面所讲文体写作中可能会出现的问题进行的归纳、分析
    书后作者提供了多个附录,包括单独整理的Better Writing Study Guide,教师指南、补
写过程先后历时数年,其间几易其稿,Michael Krigline先生甚至有一段时间停薪停教,专注

Lesson 19
Everyone likes to feel welcome,
but "welcome" is one of the
many words that English-
learners often misuse. We
conclude the "Better Writing
Study Guide" by looking at
many of these terms, as well
as how to express feelings in
    In pari four of this study guide, we look at a number of words that confuse English-
learners and their readers. First, you will learn about the different ways to use since, like
and as. Next, 'we take a look at the special verb structures needed to express how we feel.
You will also examine common "Chinglish" mistakes that result from the clash of your
first and second languages. Finally, we study several sets of related terms that are often
:used inappropriately.
    Remember that the "Better Writing Study Guide" (you will find G 1-15 in other lessons) is
supposed to be a reference tool that's handy when you need lt, not a set of rules that you need
to memorize. Some of the content is technical or complicated so it isn't "light reading." But
the more effort you put into becoming familiar with these guidelines, the better your English
writing will be.
    Does "Since September..." mean "because September..." or "starting from September..."?
'H0w about "As a student..": does this mean "because I am a student..", "in the same way as a
~tudent .." br "at the same time that a student..."? Your reader shouldn't have to guess.
     Many English-learners think that since, because and as are interchangeable; some believe that
like and as are both used the same way. This section will help yuu see the differences between these
commonly misused terms.
G16a. Using since
(A) Since... = "From the time of  "When you start a dependent clause with "Since...", expect
    your readers to think you mean "From the time o...", unless you give clues to indicate that
    you mean because. To remove ambiguity and make it clear that you are talking about time,
    informal sentences can start with "Ever since. " but this is sometimes too informal for
                                                                                                                                                ~ .  ~
    business or academic writing. You can also help your reader by putting a comma after your
    time clause, followed by the subject plus a perfect-tense verb (e.g., "Since April, we have
    noticed..."; "Since the party, he has felt..."; "Since Mary graduated, she has been...")

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