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插图:Perseverance is to resolve to perform what one ought to perform without fail. It is one of the most important factors in achieving success. Without perseverance, one will lose his bearings, give up half way when facing hardship and difficulties.In short, industry and perseverance contribute a lot for a person to live a meaningful life and to make achievements. So it may be safe to say that it is the two virtues —— industry and perseverance —— that will make you a true man.(6) PatriotismPatriotism is love of one's country. It is an essential element of the existence of a nation, and yet it is one of the most sacred emotions.Patriotism, in other words, is the fulfillment of one's duty. The readiness to die in the cause of the nation is patriotism for soldiers. The working for the good of the country is patriotism for statesmen and good citizens. Generally speaking, patriotism for everybody is to maintain the honor and integrity of the motherland. It is the easiest and most effective measure for the people to take to make one's country strong and prosperous, with advanced industry, agriculture and national defense. In short, the true patriot desires righteousness~ and uprightness for one's own land.


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