10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN

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10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN

10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN


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10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN 本书特色

《10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN(十分钟学会少林拳)》是由外文出版社出版的。

10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN 内容简介

简介   “十分钟学会中医推拿自我按摩”是一项实用性很强的选题,其重点放在“自我”上,即不明白中医推拿原理的外国读者,在看过本书以后也能针对自己的身体状况进行简单的自我按摩。具体内容包括:什么是中医推拿按摩、中医推拿按摩的起源与发展、推拿按摩的中医理论基础、中医推拿按摩的内容、中医推拿按摩的分类、中医推拿按摩的主要技术方法、中医推拿按摩对身体健康的作用等。

10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN 目录

What is Shaolin quart?The international reputation of Shaolin martial artsShaolin quart in the south and the northIntegrating chan with quart andunderstanding chan through the practice of quanShaolin quan and healthThe art and weapons of Shaolin quanThe basic movements of Shaolin quanPoints to remember when doing Shaolin quanThe dietary regimen of the Shaolin Temple

10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN 节选

《10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN(十分钟学会少林拳)》内容简介:The book starts by explaining.the idea of Shaolin quan. Thenit illustrates its originevolution, briefly introduces itsmajor schools, morementroutines and weapons,andexpilcitly explains the relation-ships between the relationZer.By practicing this simpleset,pelple can experience thehisto and strength of Shaolinquan……

10-Minute Primer SHAOLIN QUAN

外语 FOR老外


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