理智与情感作者:(英)奥斯汀 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787119059303 定价:10.0 出版时间:2009-10-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
理智与情感 内容简介
简介 埃丽诺和玛丽安两姐妹生在一个体面的英国乡绅家庭,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹却往往在情感上毫无节制,因此在恋爱中碰到挫折时,她们作出了不同的反应:姐姐忍辱负重,始终与人为善;妹妹心高气傲,几近崩溃……与主人公命运情牵相关的闲得发慌的乡绅太太,势利无情的兄嫂一家,市侩虚伪的远房姐妹,以及少女心中那三位或道德败坏或正直优柔的恋人悉数登场,全书以喜剧开头,悲剧发展,终以喜剧收场,是一则以细腻笔触和生动对白见长、讲述没有富裕嫁妆的少女婚恋的经典故事。 本书为《世界名著佳段阅读》丛书之一。
理智与情感 节选
理智与情感 相关资料
Jennings had the satisfaction of discovering to be her relations, andthis was enough for Sir John to invite them directlyto the park, as soon as their present engagements atExeter were over.The young ladies arrived: their appearance wasby no means ungenteel or unfashionable. Their dresswas very smart, their manners very civil, they weredelighted with the house, and in raptures with thefurniture, and they happened to be so dotingly fondof children that Lady Middleton's good opinion wasengaged in their favour before they had been an hourat the park. She declared them to be very agreeablegirls indeed, which for her ladyship was enthusiasticadmiration. Sir John's confidence in his own judgmentrose with this animated praise, and he set off directlyfor the cottage to tell the Miss Dashwoods of the MissSteeles' arrival, and to assure them of their being thesweetest girls in the world...When their promised visit to the park andconsequent introduction to these young ladies tookplace, they found in the appearance of the eldest,who was nearly thirty, with a very plain and not asensible face, nothing to admire; but in the other,who was not more than two or three and twenty, theyacknowledged considerable beauty; her features werepretty, and she had a sharp quick eye, and a smartnessof air, which though it did not give actual elegance orgrace, gave distinction to her person.——Their mannerswere particularly civil, and Elinor soon allowed themcredit for some kind of sense, when she saw with whatconstant and judicious attentions they were makingthemselves agreeable to Lady Middleton. With herchildren they were in continual raptures, extollingtheir beauty, courting their notice, and humouringtheir whims; and such of their time as could be sparedfrom the importunate demands which this politenessmade on it, was spent in admiration of whatever herladyship was doing
外语 英语读物 英汉对照
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