现代英语教程(第二版):教学指导与练习(2)作者:宫东风 开 本:16 书号ISBN:9787560079493 定价:15.9 出版时间:2008-11-01 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 |
现代英语教程(第二版):教学指导与练习(2) 目录
Unit 1 The seaBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)Supplementary Grammar(语法补充材料)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 2 A Letter to a TeacherBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)Keyto Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 3 KitesBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text (课文详解)Supplementary Grammar《语法补充材料)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 4 Late One EveningBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)Supplementary Grammar(语法补充材料)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 5 Fire! Fire!Background Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Te)(t(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 6 MemoryBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 7 OilBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Texl(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Unit 8 Crazy About AnimalsBackground Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Texl(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 9 How to Make Money-And How Not To?Background Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the TeXt(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)Unit 10 Time to Leave the Nest Yet?Background Knowledge(背景知识)Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)Key to Exercises(参考答案)Chinese Translation(课文参考译文)English Proficiency TestsKey to English Proficiency Tests现代英语教程(第二版):教学指导与练习(2) 节选
《现代英语教程》(第二版)是一套专为中国成人高等教育学生编写的教材。依据《全国成人高等教育英语课程教学基本要求(非英语专业专科用)》和《大学英语课程教学要求》,在大量调查研究和教学实践的基础上编写而成。以博采众长、兼收并蓄的“综合法” (Method Synergistics)为理论指导,侧重传统方法。突出“成人、业余、实用”的特点。 注意语言文化内涵,培养学生语言“得体性”意识。强调语言实践,突出重点,重视学生的基本功训练。
现代英语教程(第二版):教学指导与练习(2) 相关资料
The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human survival may make it ideal for certain kinds of manufacturing.Operations requiring a vacuum,extreme cold,or sterility are examples.Precision ball bearings,industrial diamonds or pharmaceuticals might be produced onthemoon.6.The area ofthe moon is———————. A.about the same as that ofNorth and South America B.1arger than that ofNorth and South America C.equal to that ofNorth and South America D.far smaller than that ofNorth and South America7.The temperature on the moon can be as high as————————. A.-150℃ B.+270℃ C.+120℃ D.-30℃8.According to this passage,the colonization ofthe moon—————. A.will soon be realized B.can be done under the lunar surface C.is being speculated by many scientists D.sounds entirely impossible9.To stay alive on the moon,the early settlers must first of all be able to—————. A.develop commerce B.get enough food,oxygen and water C.make discoveries important to science D.explore the possibilities of industrial development10.Though the environment on the moon is bad for human survival,it is very good for—————. A.making such things as industrial diamonds B.all kinds ofmanufactured goods C.medical operations D.commercial development Passage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:In Switzerland,six miles west of Geneva,lies a collection of laboratories and buildings,and,most curious of all,a circular mound of earth more than 650 feet in diameter.This clusterhas unique importance.It is Europe’S one and only atomic city dedicated to investigation ofthe atom for peaceful purposes.The strange buildings belong to the European Council for Nuclear Research,morepopularly known,from its French initials,as CERN.The council was born when a handful ofstatesmen and scientific expert
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