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 passage two what is british cultural studies?
 passage three properties of the new media and a socialist strategy
 passage four hegemony: an overview
unit 14 process of mass communication
 passage one encoding/decoding
 passage two the acts of communication
 passage three the circuit and the acts
 passage four selecting the news: gatekeeping
unit 15 effects and audience of mass communication
 passage one effects studies
 passage two the uses and gratifications model
 passage three tv and learning
 passage four scientific and nonscientific polls
unit 16 mass communication and society
 passage one some social functions of the mass media
 passage two the masses: the implosion of the social in the media
 passage three the debate over civic journalism
 passage four investigative reporting
unit 17 mass communication and social control
 passage one government manipulation of media
 passage two of the liberty of thought and discussion
 passage three the principles
 passage four jefferson's view of the press
unit 18 laws and ethics of mass communication
 passage one the first amendment to the constitution
 passage two the means to the end
 passage three should the names of rape victims be published?
 passage four attributing a libel is no defense
appendix a key to exercises
appendix b chinese translations

新闻传播学专业英语教程(第二版)(21世纪新闻传播学系列教材;“十一五”国家级规划教材) 节选



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