计算机专业英语 高校教材

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计算机专业英语   高校教材

计算机专业英语 高校教材


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课文4 存储器
课文5 输入/输出设备
课文6 扩展插槽
第3单元 计算机软件系统
课文1 系统软件
课文2 应用软件
阅读材料:microsoft office 2007
课文3 计算机语言
课文4 数据结构
课文5 操作系统
课文6 关系数据库的结构
课文7 多媒体
课文8 软件工程
课文9 windows简介
课文10 人工智能
第4单元 网络技术
课文1 计算机网络的演变
课文2 网络安全
课文3 虚拟化技术详解
课文4 电子商务
课文5 局域网巡航
第5单元 嵌入式系统
课文1 嵌入式系统简介
课文2 嵌入式软件体系结构
附录a 习题参考答案
附录b 词汇表

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计算机专业英语 高校教材 相关资料

插图:One special form of information the computer process is its instructions. These are the commands that programmers give the computer to tell it what to do. Every time you do anything with a computer, you are really talking to a program that is talking to the computer. The language that computers speak, which is called machine language, is very complex and hard to understand.Computers can be general classified by size and power as follows:(1) MicrocomputerMicrocomputer is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer, or PC,which is a small single-user computer based on a microcomputer. In addition to the microprocessor,a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and as torage device for saving data.Microcomputers, also known as personal computers, are small computers that can fit on adesktop.Portable microcomputers can fit in a briefcase or even in the palm of your hand.Micro computers are used in homes, schools, and industry. Today nearly every field uses micro computers.One type of microcomputer that is rapidly growing in popularity is the portable computer, whichcan be easily carried around. There are four categories of portable computers. Laptops: laptops, which weigh between 10 and 16 pounds, may be AC-powered, battery-powered, or both. The AC-powered laptop weighs 12 to 16 pounds. The battery-powered laptop weighs 10 to 15 pounds,batteries included, and can be carried on a shoulder strap.Notebook PCs: notebook personal computers weigh between 5 and 10 pounds and can fit into most briefcases. It is especially valuable in locations where electrical connections are not available. Notebook computers are the most popular portable computers today.Subnotebooks:Subnotebooks are for frequent flyers and life-on-the-road types.Subnotebooks users give up a full-size display screen and keyboard in exchange for less weight. Weighting between 2 and 6 pounds, these computer fit easily into a briefcase.Personal Digital Assistants: much smaller than even the subnotebooks. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAS) weigh from 1 to 4 pounds. The typical PDA combines pen input, writing recognition, personal organizational tools, and communication capabilities in a very small package.(2) WorkstationWorkstation is a powerful single-user computer. It is like a personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor.(3) MinicomputerMinicomputer (a term no longer much used) is a multi-user computer of a size between a microcomputer and a mainframe. Minicomputers, also knows as midrange computers, are desk-sized machines. They fall into between microcomputers and mainframes in their processing speeds and data-storing capacities. Medium-size companies or departments of large companies typically use them for specific purposes. For example, they might use them to do research or to monitor a particular manufacturing process. Smaller-size companies typically use microcomputers for their general data processing needs, such as accounting.

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