604个汉字-1MP3作者:白林艳 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787511702913 定价:88.0 出版时间:2010-05-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
604个汉字-1MP3 本书特色
《604个汉字》:According to the statistics of Chinese National Language Commission.there are altogether most frequently used 604Chinese characters.which total 80 percent of the overall Chinese characters appearing in newspapers,broaocastmg, television,news and Internet etc.The book covers the 604 Chinese characters, with corresponding traditional Chinese characters,radicals and orders of strokes marked besides each character,and this helps readers to grasp a clear understanding Of Chinese characters. Relevant phrases in the HSK Guideline or popular daily expressions are listed below each character,and illustrative sentences are also provided.Therefore, this book iS of great convenience for readers to study basic Chinese characters and to enlarge the VOCabulary.
604个汉字-1MP3 内容简介
604个汉字-1MP3 节选
外语 对外汉语
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