英语课堂中口语纠错面面观作者:蒋景阳 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787308092418 定价:29.0 出版时间:2011-11-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
英语课堂中口语纠错面面观 内容简介
英语课堂中口语纠错面面观 目录
摘要abstract 首字母缩略词list ofabbreviations 图目录list offigures 表目录list oftables chapter i introduction 1.1 the orientation ofthe present study 1.2 the rationale ofthe present study 1.3 the organization ofthe dissertation chapter 2 literature review 2.1 input.intake and uptake 2.2 interlanguage,comprehensible output and modified output 2.3 interaction hypothesis and neg~ive feedback 2.4 aaention and second language acquisition(sla) 2.5 cognitive and sla frameworks offocus on form 2.6 error treatment 2.7 negative feedback 2.8 related studies ofnf in china and abroad chapter 3 research design and methodology 3.1 the purpose of the research 3.2 research design and data collection 3.2.1 the design 3.2.2 subjects 3.2.3 instrtmaents oral tests of the three experiments
外语 口语、生活实用英语 社交、生活口语
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