SELECTED WORKS OF JIANG ZEMIN-江泽民文选-Volume II-第2卷-英文作者:江泽民 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787119073842 定价:80.0 出版时间:2012-02-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
SELECTED WORKS OF JIANG ZEMIN-江泽民文选-Volume II-第2卷-英文 本书特色
《江泽民文选》第二卷收入的是江泽民同志在1997年9月12日至2000年2月1日这段时间内的59篇重要著作。 《江泽民文选》**卷、第二卷、第三卷由中共中央文献编辑委员会编辑,收入了江泽民同志在1980年8月至2004年9月这段时间内具有代表性和独创性的重要著作,共有报告、讲话、谈话、文章、信件、批示、命令、题词等203篇,很大一部分是**次公开发表。《江泽民文选》生动记录了以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体带领全党全国各族人民把中国特色社会主义事业推向前进的历史进程,科学总结了中国共产党领导人民战胜各种艰难险阻、全面开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的宝贵经验,集中反映了中国共产党坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,坚持马克思主义基本原理同当代中国实践和时代特征相结合创造性地提出的新的重大理论成果,深刻反映了“三个代表”重要思想孕育、形成、发展的历史过程和重大成果。
SELECTED WORKS OF JIANG ZEMIN-江泽民文选-Volume II-第2卷-英文 内容简介
the selected works of jiang zemin comprises three volumes and
brings together the major works the author wrote between august
1980 and september 2004. it contains 203 reports, speeches,
remarks, articles, letters, comments, orders and messages, many of
which are available in english for the first time. the selected
works of jiang zemin vividly records the historic process in which
the third generation of the central collective leadership of the
communist party of china (cpc), with jiang zemin at its core,
guided the party and the
contentshold high the great banner of deng xiaoping theory and comprehensively advance the cause of building socialism with chinese characteristics into the 21st century (september 12, 1997) 1
speech at the white house welcoming ceremony (october 29, 1997) 51
fully guarantee the people enjoy human rights in accordance with the law (october 1997-october 1999) 53
enhance mutual understanding and strengthen friendly cooperation (november 1, 1997) 58
make the three gorges project a world-class
project (november 8, 1997) 67
deepen financial reform and guard against financial risks (november 19, 1997) 71
apec’s mission is to promote economic
cooperation (november 25, 1997) 78
achieve cross-century strategic development goals for modernizing national defense and the army (december 7, 1997) 82
implement the opening up strategy of integrating “bringing in” with “going global” (december 24, 1997) 91
proceed in a realistic and practical manner (january 24, 1998) 95
do our economic work well and increase our tolerance and resistance to risk (february 26, 1998) 99
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