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话语与文化 内容简介

  this volume is a self-selected anthology of academic writings by shi xu which have been published in various international outlets since 1990s. indicative of his personal intellectual journey through different parts of the world, this collection contains cultural critiques of mainstream language and discourse studies, enquiries into cultural forms of human discourses, and explorations in culturally unfamiliar or new discourses. it is designed for anyone who is interested in going beyond traditional bounds of discourse and communication studies and engaging in culturally conscious and critical approaches to human interaction.

话语与文化 目录

acknowledgements preface
part one cultural critiques of discourse scholarship
1 open up discourse-theoretical frontiers
2 binary vs. holistic concepts of discourse and culture
3 linguistics as cultural and rhetorical construction
4 discourse studies as cultural politics
5 multicultural discourses as objects of study
6 eastern paradigms of discourse studies
7 cultural discourse studies
8 cultural china in a discourse perspective
9 the impasse of discourse "and" society
part two studies of cultural forms and functions
10 argumentation, explanation and social cognition
11 reason and control in accounts of the non-western other
12 concepts as interactional resource in troubled intercultural contexts acknowledgements preface part one cultural critiques of discourse scholarship 1 open up discourse-theoretical frontiers 2 binary vs. holistic concepts of discourse and culture 3 linguistics as cultural and rhetorical construction 4 discourse studies as cultural politics 5 multicultural discourses as objects of study 6 eastern paradigms of discourse studies 7 cultural discourse studies 8 cultural china in a discourse perspective 9 the impasse of discourse "and" society part two studies of cultural forms and functions 10 argumentation, explanation and social cognition 11 reason and control in accounts of the non-western other 12 concepts as interactional resource in troubled intercultural contexts 13 perceptions as exploitations of the unexpected of the cultural other 14 explanatory discourse: its structural and qualitative complexities 15 opinion discourse and its paradoxes 16 communication in a cultural psychological perspective part three enquiries into unfamiliar or new discourses 17 the chinese new discourse of human rights 18 cultural china in discursive transformation 19 the non-western discourse 20 changing discourses as research agenda 21 constructing new forms of intercultural communication 22 historical developments of identity in collective discourse 话语与文化

外语 英语学术著作


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