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作者:刘芳 主编

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博览高层动态     knowing about politicalleaders   
1    英国女王庆祝登基60周年
      britain’s queen celebrated herdiamond jubilee
2    韩国总统登陆争议岛屿
      south korea’s president visiteddisputed islands
3    奥巴马与希拉里统一外交战线
      obama and hillary unified diplomaticfront 
4    意大利前首相欲重返政坛
      italian former prime ministerconsidered a return to politics
5    日本反对党领袖小泽一郎辞职
      japanese opposition party’s chiefichiro ozawa resigned 61
6    挪威首相或下台
      norway’s prime minister maybe stepdown
7    罗马尼亚总统试图逃避弹劾
       romanian president tried toevade impeachment
8    马里总统回国
      mali’s president returned home
9    英国首相信誉受...到挑战
      british prime minister’s credibilityis challenged
10    埃及总统撤换将领
      egyptian president replacedofficials
11    默克尔错估欧盟财政调控
      merkel is wrong about eu fiscalregulation
12    苏丹总统宣战南苏丹
      sudan’s president declared war onsouth sudan
博览2012选举     knowing about 2012elections  
1    奥朗德就任法国总统
      hollande took office as frenchpresident
2    普京担任.....俄罗斯..总统
      putin became new russianpresident
3    慕克吉........宣誓......就任印度总统
      mukherjee sworn in as indianpresident 
4    马哈马就任加纳总统
      mahama sworn in as ghanaianpresident
5    乔伊斯?班达.........宣誓.......就任马拉维总统
      joyce banda sworn in as malawipresident 108
6    朱诺斯?阿德当选匈牙利总统
      janos ader sworn in as hungary’s newpresident
7    缅甸即将选出.....**...副总统
       myanmar will elect a new vicepresident
8    韩国首位女总统朴槿惠
      first female president governss.korea
9    阿什拉夫当选巴基斯坦总理
      ashraf elected as new prime ministerof pakistan
10    埃及新内阁完成就职
      egyptian new cabinet completedinauguration
11    希腊新民主党胜出选举
      greek new democracy won in theelection
12    南非内政部长成为非盟**任女主席
      south african dlamini-zuma electedfirst chairlady of au commission
博览大国外交     knowing about globaldiplomacies  
1    美加关系降温
      america and canada’s relationshipbecame chill
2    美越关系增强
      america and vietnam’s relationshipenhanced
3    中日关系敏感
      china and japan’s relationship wassensitive 
4    瑞典与白俄罗斯关系恶化
      sweden and belarus’s relationshipworsened
5    美国与缅甸关系缓和
      america and burma’s relationshiprelaxed 154
6    埃及与以色列关系经受考验
      egypt and israel’s relationship wastested
7    中美关系强化
       china and america’srelationship strengthened
8    塞尔维亚与欧洲关系慢热
      serbia and europe’s relationshipdeveloped slowly
9    中英关系冷却
      china and britain’s relationshipcooled
10    英美关系微妙
      britain and america’s relationshipwas subtle
11    英国与欧盟关系脆弱
      britain and eu’s relationship wasfrail
12    土耳其与叙利亚关系僵化
      turkey and syria’s relationship was rigid   
博览国际访问     knowing about internationalvisits   
1    威廉王子与凯特王妃到访加州
      prince william and princess katevisited california
2    中国外长会见文莱王储

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