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人力资源管理专业英语教程 本书特色


人力资源管理专业英语教程 目录

unit 1  employment & recruitment
text a  staff recruitment - a qualitative aspect of the human resources management
text b  how to use social media as a recruiting tool?
supplementary reading  competency-based recruitment: a selection process that works

unit 2  interviewing .,
text a  10 tips for crafting s. m. a. r. t.  interviewing stories
text b  interview preparation wins candidate competitions
supplementary reading  powerful phone interviews

unit 3  personnel assessment
text a  what should you know about personnel assessment?
text b  evaluating and implementing assessment tools
supplementary reading  severallmportant assessment methods

unit 4  job promotion
text a  promotion and employee motivation
text b  commonly practiced promotion systems
supplementary reading  contingency factors on promotion system effectiveness

unit 5  staff deployment
text a  smart staff deployment
text b  staff deployment planning
supplementary reading  euroshop 2005: workforce management optimises staff deplovment in the retail business

unit 6  performance  evaluation
text a  performance  evaluation
text b  considerations for your performance evaluation
supplementary reading  methods of performance evaluation

unit 7  employee welfare
text a  is welfare law a new hr canon?
text b  medical insurance
supplementary reading  helping the poor - from welfare to workfare

unit 8   staff training
text a  assessment: a must for developing an effective training program
text b  how to make training work?
supplementary reading  when the going gets tough, the staff needs more training

unit 9  leadership
text a  thoughts on corporate leadership
text b  leadership is prime: how to measure leadership excellence?
supplementary reading  a special report on corporate leadership - tough at the top

unit 10  labor relations
text a  what is labor relations
text b  michigan  lawyers  question
supplementary reading  national labor relations act

unit 11 sociaisecurity
text a  social security in 'the united states
text b  keep social security strong
supplementary reading  redefining social security

unit 12  corporate culture
text a  getting to know corporate culture
text b  changing a corporate culture towards a customer-driven one
supplementary reading  haier corporation

unit 13  career  design
text a  more feast, less famine
text b  the jobless young left behind
supplementary reading  ten ways of staying employed and enjoying your work

unit 14  cross-cultural management
text a  the combination of diversified cultures
text b  face value - bold fusion
supplementary reading  chinese investment in europe

unit 15  corporate social responsibility
text a  a webless social network: mobile phones in india
text b  the corporate responsibility commitment
supplementary reading  the corruption eruption

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