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红与黑 本书特色


红与黑 内容简介

海明威列为必读书 毛姆称为真正的杰作
读英文经典 品经典英文
*佳的文学经典读物 *好的语言学习读本

红与黑 目录


book one… ………………………………………………………… 1
chapter 1 a small town……………………………………………… 3
chapter 2 a mayor…………………………………………………… 7
chapter 3 the bread of the poor… ………………………………… 10
chapter 4 father and son… ………………………………………… 15
chapter 5 driving a bargain………………………………………… 19
chapter 6 dullness…………………………………………………… 26
chapter 7 elective affinities………………………………………… 33
chapter 8 minor events……………………………………………… 43
chapter 9 an evening in the country… …………………………… 50
chapter 10 a large heart and a small fortune……………………… 58
chapter 11 night thoughts… ……………………………………… 61
chapter 12 a journey………………………………………………… 66
chapter 13 open-work stockings…………………………………… 72
chapter 14 the english scissors… ………………………………… 77
chapter 15 cock-crow… …………………………………………… 80
chapter 16 the day after…………………………………………… 84
chapter 17 the principal deputy… ………………………………… 88
chapter 18 a king at verrieres… …………………………………… 93
chapter 19 to think is to be full of sorrow……………………… 105
chapter 20 the anonymous letters… …………………………… 113
chapter 21 conversation with a lord and master………………… 117
chapter 22 manners and customs in 1830… …………………… 129
chapter 23 the sorrows of an official…………………………… 140
chapter 24 a capital……………………………………………… 153
chapter 25 the seminary… ……………………………………… 160
chapter 26 the world, or what the rich lack…………………… 167
chapter 27 first experience of life… …………………………… 176
chapter 28 a procession………………………………………… 180
chapter 29 the first step… ……………………………………… 187
chapter 30 ambition……………………………………………… 201

book two……………………………………………… 217
chapter 1 country pleasures……………………………………… 219
chapter 2 first appearance in society… ………………………… 229
chapter 3 first steps……………………………………………… 236
chapter 4 the hotel de la mole… ……………………………… 239
chapter 5 sensibility and a pious lady…………………………… 250
chapter 6 pronunciation…………………………………………… 253
chapter 7 an attack of gout……………………………………… 259
chapter 8 what is the decoration that confers distinction?… … 266
chapter 9 the ball………………………………………………… 275
chapter 10 queen marguerite… ………………………………… 283
chapter 11 the tyranny of a girl… ……………………………… 290
chapter 12. another danton… …………………………………… 294
chapter 13 a plot… ……………………………………………… 299
chapter 14 a girl’s thoughts……………………………………… 307
chapter 15 is it a plot?… ………………………………………… 313
chapter 16 one o’clock in the morning… ……………………… 318
chapter 17 an old sword………………………………………… 324

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