雅思考试官方指南(新东方)作者:Pauline 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9781107694910 定价:138.0 出版时间:2014-01-01 出版社:进口原版 |
雅思考试官方指南(新东方) 本书特色
本书由以下内容构成: 8套完整的学术类雅思全真试题 2套培训类雅思阅读与写作全真试题 各种题型的全面介绍以及剑桥大学考试委员会采用的评分系统解析 内含一张dvd-rom光盘,提供雅思听力音频及口语测试视频
雅思考试官方指南(新东方) 内容简介
剑桥大学出版社是出版剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部的各类考试(包括雅思)历届考试真题的唯一官方出版社。 本书所包含的8套雅思全真试题由资深雅思考官编写,是各类雅思考生备考过程中必不可少的参考书。 内含dvd-rom一张,包含雅思听力及口语测试部分,并给出考官评分标准,方便考生体验真实考试情境
雅思考试官方指南(新东方) 目录
introductionielts summary
ielts listening skills
1 getting ready to listen
1 understanding the context
2 using the correct spelling
3 writing numbers
2 following a conversation
1 identifying the speakers
2 identifying function
3 understanding categories
3 recognisingaraphrase
1 identifying distractors
2 recognisingaraphrase
3 selecting from a list
4laces and directions
1 describing alace
2 following directions
3 labelling a map
5 listening for actions androcesses
1 understanding mechanicalarts
2 describing an action orrocess
3 describing arocess
6 attitude and opinion
1 identifying attitudes and opinions
2ersuading and suggesting
3 reaching a decision
7 following a lecture or talk
1 identifying main ideas
2 understanding how ideas are connected
3 understanding an explanation
8 contrasting ideas
1 signposting words
2 comparing and contrasting ideas
3 using notes to follow a talk
ielts reading skills
1 reading strategies
1 using the features of a reading
2 skimming aassage and speed reading
3 global understanding
2 descriptiveassages
1 scanning for detail
2 using words from theassage
3 notes/flow-chart/diagram completion
3 understanding the main ideas
1 identifying the main idea
2 understanding the mainoints
3 identifying information in aassage
4 locating and matching information
1 identifying types of information
2 locating and matching information
3 how ideas are connected
5 discursiveassages
1 discursiveassages
2 identifying theories and opinions
3 matching features
6 multiple-choice questions
1 understanding longerieces of text
2 different types of multiple choice
3 identifying a writer’surpose
7 opinions and attitudes
1 argumentative texts
2 identifying the writer’s views/claims
3 identifying grammatical features
8 general training reading
1 the general training readingaper
2 dealing with multiple texts
3 understanding work-related texts
ielts writing
1 academic writing task 1 –
describing a chart, table or graph
1 understanding graphs, tables and charts
2 more complex charts
3 improving your task achievement score
2 academic writing task 1 – comparing
and contrasting graphs and tables
1 avoiding repetition
2 comparing and contrasting data
3 grammatical accuracy – describing
numbers and figures accurately
3 academic writing task 1 –
describing diagrams
1 understanding a diagram
2 describing arocess – coherence
and cohesion
3 lexical resource – being accurate
4 academic writing task 1 –
describing maps
1 describing a map
2 describing changes in alace
3 grammatical accuracy
5 general training writing task 1 –
a letter
1 understanding the task
2 improving your score
3 checking and correcting
6 writing task 2 – getting ready to write
1 understanding the task
2lanning and organising your ideas
3 getting started – writing an
7 writing task 2 – expressing your
ideas clearly
1 linking ideas – cohesion
2 lexical resource – avoiding repetition
外语 英语考试 雅思IELTS
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