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作者:刘道义、 吴兆颐

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英语教育在中国:历史与现状(英文) 本书特色


英语教育在中国:历史与现状(英文) 目录

chapter 1 westernization and english language education(1862—1949)
english language teaching in the late qing(ching)dynasty
a self—protecting tianchao(celestial court)
need to know the west and western languages
tongwenguan: a landmark in china's modern foreign language education
the education mission: sending students to study abroad
a re—examination of zhongxue wei ti,xixue wei yong
the status and function of english
the spread of english by christian missionary education
formalization of english teaching in the period of the republic of china
english as part of the general education program
english for scientific study and terminology
english as a working language in international institutions
the impact of the mass media and entertainment industry on the spread of english
instructional approaches and methods
textbooks and supplementary teaching materials
the status of english and learners' motivations
chapter 2 from decline to boom: english language education in the people's republic of china(1949—present)
changes in educational planning,language policies,and foreign language teaching
a decline in the use and teaching of the english language(1949—1955)
a revival in teaching the english language(1956—1965)
teaching politics at the expense oflanguage(1966—1976)
reforms creating a new need for english language education
new motivations in china for learning english
reforms and development in english language education since 1977
new developments in english language teaching
chapter 3 english curriculum development for schools in china: tradition,reform,and innovation
a historical overview of english curriculum development in china's schools(1902—1977)
the japanese model(1902—1922)
the american model(1923—1949)
swinging like a pendulum(1950—1977)
english syllabi and curriculum standards(1978—present)
restoring order(1978—1990)
integrating with globalization(1988—2000)
deepening reform and innovation(2001—present)
controversial issues in english language curriculum development
the purpose and nature of the english course
the teaching objectives ofthe english course
the teaching requirements for the english course
new approaches to instruction and assessment
varieties of english language curricula
english curriculum for foreign language schools
education for all versus high quality education for a few
chapter 4 development of english teaching materials and other resources: adaptation,integration,and innovation
the role and function of english teaching materials in school curricula
textbooks,originally the sole teaching resource
moving from the"single textbook"to"teaching materials"
from textbooks to curnculum resources
a shift from"teaching the textbook"to"teaching with the textbook"
changing approaches to the design of teaching materials
international infiuence
the impact of national perspectives
a glimpse of the changing textbooks
design and application of teaching materials
from unification to diversification
procedures in designing state—approved teaching materials
adoption and adaptation of teaching materials
three generations of english teaching materials: 1978 to the present
the first generation of english teaching materials
the second generation of english teaching materials
the third generation of english teaching materials
evaluation and review of teaching materials for schools
evaluation and review: pre—1980s
evaluation and review: 1980—2000
evaluation and review: post—2000
looking back over 30 years of evaluation and review

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