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剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-初级.学生用书 本书特色

《剑桥标准商务英语教程:学生用书(第2版)》分为初、中、高三个级别。 本书精选了职场中常见的六大主题,如Company profiles,Production and selling等。每个主题包含四个单元。每个单元都设置了丰富的练习,培养学生在商务英语环境中的听、说、读、写各项技能。听力材料涉及重要商务话题,包含不同口音,还原真实商务语言交流情境。口语练习提供主题情境用语,模拟职场情景进行讨论,增加商务对话练习机会。阅读活动让学生通过原汁原味的英美报刊文章,熟悉时新的商业用语和商业报道。写作练习提供多种写作类型的模拟练习和写作范例,帮助学生提升商务写作能力。单词列表再现学生用书中核心商务英语词汇,并附有英文释义,方便复习与记忆。书后附有1套BEC初级考试真题,帮助学生熟悉考试题型。附赠一本自学手册,额外补充了词汇、语法、阅读、写作练习。

剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-初级.学生用书 内容简介

《剑桥标准商务英语教程(第2版)》(Business Benchmark Second Edition)是一套由剑桥英语教学者编著的商务英语教程,每个级别都包含学生用书(附自学手册)和教师用书各一册,互为补充。本教程围绕当前职场中常见的主题设置学习单元,涵盖商务用语和商务技能,通过有针对性的指导和反复练习,帮助学生提高商务环境中的英语实际运用能力。本教程既可用于商务英语课堂教学,也适合那些即将踏入职场或已工作的学习者使用。

剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-初级.学生用书 目录

Introduction/3 Map of the book/4 Acknowledgements/8 Company profiles Unit 1: The working day/10-13 Unit 2: Online communication/14-17 Unit 3: Company growth/18-21 Unit 4: Corporate culture/22-25 Grammar workshop 1 (Unit 1-4)/26-27 Production and selling Unit 5: Describing equipment/28-31 Unit 6: Processes and procedures/32-35 Unit 7: Distribution and delivery/36-39 Unit 8: Advertising and marketing/40-43 Grammar workshop 2 (Unit 5-8)/44-45 Business travel Unit 9: Making arrangements/46-49 Unit 10: Transport/50-53 Unit 11: Working holidays/54-57 Unit 12: Conferences/58-61 Grammar workshop 3 (Unit 9-12)/62-63 Business relationships Unit 13: New places, new people/64-67 Unit 14: Corporate gift-giving/68-71 Unit 15: Teamwork/72-75 Unit 16: Thinking globally/76-79 Grammar workshop 4 (Unit 13-16)/80-81 Finance Unit 17: Describing statistics/82-85 Unit 18: Company finances/86-89 Unit 19: Investments/90-93 Unit 20: Starting up/94-97 Grammar workshop 5 (Unit 17-20)/98-99 Human resources Unit 21: Job applications/100-103 Unit 22: Recruitment/104-107 Unit 23: Staff development/108-111 Unit 24: Employee productivity/112-115 Grammar workshop 6 (Unit 21-24)/116-117 Communication activities/118 Writing reference/121 Word lists/129 EXAM SKILLS AND EXAM PRACTICE/137-177 Contents of exam section/137 Answer key/178 Transcripts/194 剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-初级.学生用书

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