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剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-中级.教师用书 本书特色

《剑桥标准商务英语教程:教师用书(第2版)》分为初、中、高三个级别。 本书每个单元都提供了详细的教学指导建议,方便教师备课。列示学生用书中各单元的练习与BEC考试中各题型的对应关系,使考生明确备考方向。附有学生用书中练习题的答案及BEC考试真题答案。另外,书中还包含了丰富的可影印的资料,如课堂补充活动和案例分析,并附有教学建议和答案。

剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-中级.教师用书 内容简介

《剑桥标准商务英语教程(第2版)》(Business Benchmark Second Edition)是一套由剑桥英语教学者编著的商务英语教程,每个级别都包含学生用书(附自学手册)和教师用书各一册,互为补充。本教程围绕当前职场中常见的主题设置学习单元,涵盖商务用语和商务技能,通过有针对性的指导和反复练习,帮助学生提高商务环境中的英语实际运用能力。本教程既可用于商务英语课堂教学,也适合那些即将踏入职场或已工作的学习者使用。

剑桥标准商务英语教程-第2版-中级.教师用书 目录

Introduction /4 Acknowledgements /6 Unit notes with exam references and answer keys Company profiles Human resources Unit 1 Staff development and training /7 Unit 2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction /10 Unit 3 Getting the right job /13 Unit 4 Making contact /17 Grammar workshop 1/19 Marketing Unit 5 Breaking into the market /20 Unit 6 Launching a product /23 Unit 7 A stand at a trade fair /26 Unit 8 Being persuasive /29 Grammar workshop 2/32 Entrepreneurship Unit 9 Starting a business /33 Unit 10 Financing a start-up /36 Unit 11 Expanding into Europe /39 Unit 12 Presenting your business idea /42 Grammar workshop 3/44 Business abroad Unit 13 Arranging business travel /45 Unit 14 Business conference /48 Unit 15 Business meetings /51 Unit 16 Spending the sales budget /54 Grammar workshop 4/56 Change Unit 17 Social media and business /57 Unit 18 Business and the environment /60 Unit 19 A staff survey /63 Unit 20 Offshoring and outsourcing /66 Grammar workshop 5/68 Customer relations Unit 21 Customer satisfaction and loyalty /69 Unit 22 Communication with customers /72 Unit 23 Corresponding with customers /74 Unit 24 Business across cultures /77 Grammar workshop 6/79 Writing reference answer key /80 Exam skills and exam practice answer keys Business Vantage /82 Photocopiable activities and case studies Teacher’s notes and answer keys /86 Unit 1 Activity: The training budget /102 Unit 2 Activity: Responsibilities and relationships at work /102 Unit 3 Activity: Management culture /104 Unit 4 Activity: Body language in interviews /105 Unit 4 Case study: Hello Holidays /107 Unit 5 Activity: Cool hunters /111 Unit 6 Activity: Publicity stunts /113 Unit 6 Case study: MyOfficeChef/115 Unit 7 Activity: Location, location, location: which stand is best? /118 Unit 8 Activity: Quiz: Are you a good negotiator? /120 Unit 9 Activity: A letter to a franchiser /122 Unit 10 Activity: Business start-up game /123 Unit 11 Activity: Location bingo /125 Unit 11 Case study: Finding a new office /128 Unit 12 Activity: Handling questions in presentations /133 Unit 13 Activity: Intercultural advice /134 Unit 14 Activity: Networking /135 Unit 14 Case study: Conference Centre /138 Unit 15 Activity: Speeding up meetings /141 Unit 15 Case study: Agrodist /143 Unit 16 Activity: Business travel game /145 Unit 17 Activity: Traditional marketing vs. social media marketing /147 Unit 18 Activity: Greening the office /149 Unit 19 Activity: Managing change /150 Unit 19 Case study: Fendara SL /151 Unit 20 Activity: Outsourcing survey /153 Unit 21 Activity: Good customer service? /154 Unit 22 Activity: Designing a customer communication competition /156 Unit 23 Activity: An email of apology /157 Unit 24 Activity: Business gurus game /159

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