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民航机务职业英语口语 本书特色


民航机务职业英语口语 目录

前 言
Unit One Routine Working Procedures on the Line1
Part A Towing the Plane1
Part B Communicative Functions2
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation6
The Vowel I6
Part D Aviation Language8
The General Idea for Towing and Taxiing8
The Landing Gear9

Unit Two Pushback Procedures11
Part A Pushing the Plane11
Part B Communicative Functions13
Starting a Conversation13
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation17
The Vowel II17
Part D Aviation Language19
ATA 32 Landing Gear Systems19

Unit Three Dialogues during Working Procedure23
Part A Daily Communications23
Part B Communicative Functions25
Asking for Help and Offering Help25
Offering and Accepting Help26
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation28
The Consonant I28
Part D Aviation Language30
General Introduction to Engine30
General Description of Engine CFM 56-730

Unit Four Dialogues on the Door Problems32
Part A Door Problems32
Part B Communicative Functions33
Asking for Information and Giving Information33
Inquiring about the Repair Capability on the Phone35
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation36
The Consonant II36
Part D Aviation Language38
Cargo Door38
ATA 52 Doors39

Unit Five Dialogues on Engine Problems (1)43
Part A Engine Problems43
Part B Communicative Functions45
Describing Things and Phenomena45
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation47
The Semi-vowels47
Part D Aviation Language49
A Brief Introduction to Electrical Power49

Unit Six Dialogues on Refueling Problems51
Part A Refueling Problems51
Part B Communicative Functions53
Giving Advice53
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation55
The Pronunciation55
Part D Aviation Language57
The Fuel System57

Unit Seven Dialogues on Dispatching the Plane59
Part A Dispatch the Plane with Some Problems59
Part B Communicative Functions60
Seeking and Giving Opinions60
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation62
The IntonationⅠ62
Part D Aviation Language64
Fuselage of the Boeing 73764

Unit Eight Dialogues on SOC65
Part A Visiting SOC Jobsite65
Part B Communicative Functions66
Possibility and Impossibility66
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty68
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation70
The Intonation II70
Part D Aviation Language71
A Brief Introduction to SOC71

Unit Nine Dialogues on Engine Oil73
Part A Replenish the Engine Oil73
Part B Communicative Functions75
Expressing Agreement75
Expressing Disagreement76
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation77
The Intonation III77
Part D Aviation Language79
Engine Oil System79
Physical Description to Oil Tank80

Unit Ten Dialogues on Engine Problems (2)81
Part A Leakage Problem and Testing the Engine81
Part B Communicative Functions82
Seeking and Making Clarification82
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation85
The Rhythm Ⅰ85
Part D Aviation Language86
Air Conditioning System86

Unit Eleven Dialogues on Daily Problems with the Aircraft87
Part A Parking Brake Valve Deactivation87
Part B Communicative Functions88
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation93
The Rhythm II93
Part D Aviation Language94
Implementing RNP AR94

Unit Twelve Dialogues on Common Maintenances with the Aircraft97
Part A Reservoir Depressurization and Fuel Sump Drainage97
Part B Communicative Functions99
Permission Seeking99
Part C Pronunciation and Intonation100
The Stress Ⅰ100
Part D Aviation Language102
Basic Hydraulic System102
ATA 29 Hydraulic System103

Unit Thirteen Office Communication on the Phone107
Part A Urging the Component Repair Company to do the Repair on the Phone107

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