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4.1.2 Coding Quantitative Data
4.2 Inputting the Data
4.2.1 Creating and Naming the Data File
4.2.2 Keying in the Data
4.3 Processing Closed Questions
4.3.1 Data Cleaning
4.3.2 Data Manipulation
4.3.3 Reducing the Number of Variables in the Questionnaire
4.3.4 Main Types of Questionnaire Data
4.3.5 Examining the Reliability and V.aliditV Ofthe Data
4.3.6 Statistical Procedures to Analyze Data
4.4 Content Analysis of Open—Ended Questions
4.5 Compmer Programs for Processing Questionnaire Data
4.6 Summarizing and Reporting Questionnaire Data
4.6.1 General Guidelines
4.6.2 Technical Information to Accompany Survey Results
4.6.3 Reader.Friendly Data Presentation Methods
4.7 Complementing Questionnaire Data with Other Information
4.7.1 Questionnaire Survey with Follow—up Interview or Retrospection
4.7.2 Questionnaire Survey Facilitated by Preceding Interview

Chapter 5 Illustration:Developing a Motivation Questionnaire
5.1 construction of the Initial Questionnaire
5.1.1 Deciding the ComemAreas to be Covered in the Questionnaire
5.1.2 Designing Items for the Item Pool
5.1.3 Designing Rating Scales
5.1.4 Designing the Personal Information Section
5.1.5 Designing Instructions
5.1.6 Designing the Questionnaire Format
5.1.7 Grouping and Organizing Items and Questions
5.2 Translating and Initial Piloting
5.3 Final Piloting and Item Analysis
5.3.1 Missing Values and the Range of Responses
5.3.2 The Intemal Consistency ReliabjlitV of the Initial Scales
5.3.3 Modification of the Personal Information Items
5.4 The Final Version of the Japanese Ouestionnaire and Post Hoc Item Analysis
5.5 Adapting the Questionnaire for Use in China and Iran

Conclusion and Checklist
Appendix A:Combined List of the Items Included in the Questionnaires Discussed in Chapter 5
Appendix B:The Final Version ofthe Questionnaires Used in Japan andChina
Appendix C:Selected List of Published L2 Questionnaires
Author Index
Subject Index 全国高等学校外语教师丛书·科研方法系列第二语言研究中的问卷调查方法(2017)

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