
首页 > 图书 > 文化艺术/2020-05-27 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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中国绘画与书法艺术的数字化实践 本书特色

A Computational Approach to Digital Chinese Painting and Calligra-phy is a technical book on computer science and its applications in the arts. It focuses on Oriental digital arts, in particular Chinese arts and painting, offering a multi-disciplinary treatment from the an-gles of computer graphics, interactive techniques, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence. The book also discusses the unique difficulties and challenges of using the computer to produce
Oriental arts, including research results by the authors and their les-sons and engineering experiences behind these efforts.

中国绘画与书法艺术的数字化实践 内容简介

  Songhua Xu is a computer scientist of Zhejiang University and Yale University, as well as an honorary researcher of the University of Hong Kong. Francis C.M. Lau is Professor at the University of Hong Kong where he leads the Systems Research Group in the Department of Computer Science. Yunhe Pan is Professor of Computer Science at Zhejiang University as well as Deputy President of Chinese Academy of Engineering.

中国绘画与书法艺术的数字化实践 目录

Part Ⅰ Introduction
 1 Computer Science and Fine Arts
  1.1 Why Use Computers for Arts?
   1.1.1 Computer as an Art Tool.
   1.1.2 Computer as an Exceptional Art Tool
   1.1.3 Computers as Mind-talkers
  1.2 Digital Arts
   1.2.1 What Are Digital Arts?
   1.2.2 Manual or Automatic Art Creation
   1.2.3 Three Elements of Digital Arts
   1.2.4 Classification of the Book Chapters
  1.3 Examples of Digital Arts
   1.3.1 Digital Film
   1.3.2 Digital Painting
   1.3.3 Computer Music
   1.3.4 Digital Sculpture
   1.3.5 Computer Dance
   1.3.6 Computer Puppetry
   1.3.7 Computer Calligraphy
  1.4 Why Digital Arts Are Computationally Challenglng?
   1.4.1 Lack of Semantic Understanding
   1.4.2 The Versatile Nature of Art
   1.4.3 Aesthetic Evaluation and Feedback
   1.4.4 Inhomogeneity between the Two Types of Intelligence
Part Ⅱ Computer Science in Painting: A Brief Surve
 2 Computer Science in Paintings or Drawings
  2.1 Introduction
2.2 Automatic Generation of Paintings and Drawings from Photographs
   2.2.1 Early Pioneering Work
   2.2.2 Representative Recent Work
   2.2.3 Generating Paintings via Human-computer Interaction
2.3 Automatic Generation of Painterly Rendering Animation from Videos
2.4 Interactive Generation of Painterly Rendering Images
2.5 Automatic Generation of Painterly Rendering from 3D Models
   2.5.1 Automatic Generation of Illustrations and Line Drawings fi'om 3D Models
   2.5.2 Generating Painterly Rendering Animations from 3D Models
   2.5.3 Domain Specific Special-purpose Painterly Rendition Generation
   2.5.4 Efficient Painterly Rendition Generation
  2.6 Special Support for Digital Painting
   2.6.1 Hardware Support for Digital Painting
   2.6.2 Multiresolutional Painting
Part Ⅲ Interactive Digital Painting and Calligraphy
 3 Introduction to Interactive Digital Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
3.1 Overview
3.2 Background
   3.2.1 Previous Work
   3.2.2 Our Virtual Brush
 4 Basic Algorithmic Framework of a Virtual Hairy Paintbrush System
  4.1 Overview
4.2 Introduction
   4.2.1 Overview of E-brush and Related Research
   4.2.2 Our Work and Contributions
4.3 Writing Primitives
4.4 The Model and the States
   4.4.1 The Parametric Model of the Virtual Hairy Brush
   4.4.2 The Parametric Model of a Writing Primitive
Part Ⅳ Automatic Generation of Artistic Chinese Claaigraphy
Part Ⅴ Animating Chinese Paintings
Part Ⅵ Perspectives

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