文化研究的用途:英文作者:(英)麦克罗比(McRobbie.A.)著 开 本:16 书号ISBN:9787301154953 定价:25.0 出版时间:2008-01-09 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
文化研究的用途:英文 本书特色
文化研究的用途:英文 内容简介
文化研究的用途:英文 目录
Introduction: Privilege and Delight1 Stuart Hall and the Inventiveness of Cultural Studies2 Black and Not-black: Gilroy's Critique of Racialised Modernity3 No Woman, No Cry?Judith Butler and the Politics of Post-feminist Cultural Studies4 Look Back in Anger: Homi Bhabha's Resistant Subject of Colonial Agency5 Needs and Norms': Bourdieu and Cultural Studies6 Jameson's Postmodernity: The Politics of Cultural CapitalismFurther Materials I: A Mixed Bag of Misfortune?Bourdieu's Weight of the WorldFurther Materials II: Mothers and Fathers, Who NeedsThem? Butler's AntigoneReferencesIndex文化研究的用途:英文 节选
文化研究的用途:英文 相关资料
From Bhabha's perspective art and theory are subjectivising practiceswhich can create politicised cultures, this is their distinct productivity.This is the 'agency of the author' (Kim, 2001). But what of the every-day actions and ways of living of peoples who have migrated and findthemselves carving out a living in the cities of the West? Here is foundthe 'insurgent art of cultural translation'; here also is found a newnesswhich is again 'otherwise than modernity'. Moving between art and theexperience of migrant peoples, Bhabha points his readers to the domes-tic and affective realm which literature is able to conjure, 'unhomeliness'for example, or from Henry James the 'incredulous terror' of experi-encing displacement, of not being at home. From Nadine Gordimer heremarks on how everyday domesticity and the environment of 'thehome' became the very ground where the challenge to apartheid tookplace. Art and literature are capable of bringing into being intrinsicallyordinary intensities. The intimacy of experience where ruled and rulersco-exist reminds us of Gilroy making a similar point. Black people wereclose to and part of European modernity - in its bedrooms andkitchens - the backdrop to its conversations. It 'happened' in theirpresence. So there is no question of black people or migrants coming 'belat-edly' to modernity. Indeed Bhabha argues that the 'time-lag' by whichmodernity sought to distance itself from the perceived slowness of itsothers, is actually critical to modernity. It needed this temporality toachieve domination. By writing (or bringing) this exclusion back intomodernity as its condition of existence, or its constitutive outside, a dif-ferent kind of modernity can be arrived at, one which is not so unlikeGilroy's 'counter culture of Modernity'. This is, according to Bhabha,a way of speaking back from these necessary margins, or 'originalspaces', a 'post-colonial translation of Modernity', which disputes thepastness or slowness typically assigne
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