南方民族考古-第十辑 VOL.10
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南方民族考古-第十辑 VOL.10作者:本书编委会 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787030426574 定价:158.0 出版时间:2014-12-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
南方民族考古-第十辑 VOL.10 本书特色
南方民族考古-第十辑 VOL.10 内容简介
南方民族考古-第十辑 VOL.10 目录
目录童恩正先生的学术贡献 罗开玉(1)
香港新石器时代打制石器研究 吕红亮(21)
成都金沙遗址船棺葬的分析 陈云洪(45)
试论姜维城遗址史前文化遗存的分期?年代及文化属性 何锟宇郑漫丽(61)
成都东御街出土汉碑续考——碑石的埋藏层位与“党锢” 张勋燎(75)
略论三台后底山崖墓的年代及相关问题 易立(99)
诸葛亮南征“渡泸”前路线问题再探 赵德云(111)
重庆彭水县郁山镇盐业考古发现与研究 牛英彬白九江(125)
安岳卧佛院北岩宋代善财童子五十三参浮雕图像辨识 张雪芬(153)
四川石窟分区与分期初论 雷玉华(193)
川西石棺墓中的铁器 施劲松(221)
广西贵港六穴岭汉代冶铁遗址初步研究 黄全胜 李延祥 陈建立 龚 海(231)
韩国古代炼铁炉与冶铁技术的复原研究 金京镐著 李玉牛译(239)
先秦两汉钢铁技术发展与传播研究新进展 陈建立(251)
中国宋元时期的高炉 华道安著 杨 盛译(263)
重庆忠县崖脚西汉大墓发掘报告 北京大学三峡考古队(283)
重庆忠县石匣子东汉大墓发掘报告 北京大学三峡考古队(297)
重庆忠县崖脚遗址试掘报告 北京大学三峡考古队(325)
忠县临江二队炼锌遗址发掘简报 重庆市文化遗产研究院(345)
合川李家坝遗址发掘简报 重庆市文化遗产研究院合川区文物管理所(369)
tong enzheng’s scholarly contributions luo kaiyu(1)
a preliminary study on chipper stones of neolithic in hong kong lü hongliang(21)
analysis of the boat-cof.n burials from jinsha, chengdu chen yunhong(45)
discussing the date, chronology, and cultural af.liation of the prehistoric remains of jiangweicheng he kunyu zheng manli(61)
discussion on the han dynasty stele at chengdu dongyujie: buried stele and the eastern han factional struggles zhang xunliao(75)
discussions on the houdishan cliff-tomb in santai county, sichuan yi li(99)
new suggestions on the route of zhuge liang’s southward expedition: based on the archaeological remains zhao deyun(111)
archaeological discovery and research on salt production in yushan of pengshui county in chongqing niu yingbin bai jiujiang(125)
identi.cation of the iconography of reliefs on the northern wall of anyue wofoyuan showing the 53 stations of sudhanakumara (shancai tongzi) zhang xuefen(153) preliminary discussion of the distribution and chronology of cave temples in sichuan lei yuhua(193)
iron objects from stone-cist graves in western sichuan shi jinsong(221)
a preliminary study of the han dynasty iron-smelting site of guigang liuxueling huang quansheng li yanxiang chen jianli gong hai(231)
a study on the ancient iron-smelting furnaces and technology restoration in korea kim kyeong-ho(239)
new progress in research on the development and dissemination of steel technology during the qin and han dynasties chen jianli(251)
blast furnaces in song-yuan china donald b. wagner(263)
excavation report of the western han grave at chongqing zhongxian yajiao three-gorges excavation team of peking university(283)
the excavation of tomb in shixiazi of zhongxian county in chongqing municipality three-gorges excavation team of peking university(297)
report on test excavations at yajiao site, zhongxian, chongqing three-gorges excavation team of peking university(325)
preliminary excavation report on the zinc-smelting site of zhongxian linjiang erdui chongqing cultural heritage research institute(345)
preliminary excavation report of hechuan lijiaba chongqing cultural heritage research institute hechuan cultural heritage administration(369)
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