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长安向西,罗马向东(英文版) 本书特色

Chang’an, one of the greatest cities in China, used to be the most important starting point of the ancient Silk Road. For so long a time, people have only seen that the Romans were keen on China’s silk and china. However, they neglected the fact that what the Chinese valued most among western goods were always horses, which were regarded as strategic supplies. In this book, the author verifies that the eagerness of Chinese people for ‘Holy Horse’ not only existed in Han Dynasty but also remained throughout the whole history of the Silk Road – from its starting to thriving and then to falling. By citing a large number of western historical data, Edward Burman reveals how European explorers and researchers have seen China, Chang’an in particular, since Ming and Qing Dynasty. Unlike other cities such as Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, the city of Xi’an during the 18th-20th centuries was quite a mysterious place in western eyes. Though not many Europeans came here and the notes and understandings of those who did come were somehow rather different from each other, yet they interestingly formed a unique perspective for us to re-read its history. 长安是中国*伟大的城市之一,并成为古代丝绸之路*重要的贸易起点。长期以来,人们只知道罗马热衷于中国的丝绸和瓷器,却忽视了中国对西来商品一直*看重的是作为战略物资的马。作者在本书中证实,对张骞发现的“天马”的向往并不仅仅存在于汉代,而且贯穿于丝绸之路开创、兴旺、衰落的整个历史过程。 爱德华·伯曼引证大量西方史料,梳理出欧洲的探险家和研究者自明清以来对中国尤其是长安的认识,与北京、苏杭、广州等城市不同,18—20世纪,西安在西方人心目中是极具神秘感的地方,尽管曾经来过这里的人并不多,他们的记录和见解也时有偏差,饶有趣味的是,这构成了一个让我们重新观察历史的别样视角。

长安向西,罗马向东(英文版) 内容简介

1 作者将实地考察与欧洲探险家和研究者的文献史料相结合,以张骞发现的“天马”作为叙述主线,梳理出古长安在朝代兴亡中地缘政治优势的变化,观察与写作视角与国内作者相比别具一格,读来趣味性十足。 2 本书作为“外国人眼中的陕西”系列图书之一,立意于“一带一路”的文化背景与内涵。作为长期在陕西生活的外国人,作者基于对陕西的强烈的好奇心,书写一个原汁原味的他者看中国的历史文化文本。 3 中文版和英文版在中国的出版为全球首发,相比引进版图书,这是一本不折不扣的原创作品。

长安向西,罗马向东(英文版) 目录

ContentsAcknowledgementsIntroduction iChapter 1 The Western Journey of Zhang QianChapter 2 Silk Road or Horse Road?Chapter 3 Capital to Qinshihuang, the First EmperorChapter 4 Emperor Wu, the Greatest of the HanChapter 5 Buddhism in Xi’an Chapter 6 The Sui: a Forgotten Great DynastyChapter 7 The Tang: Greatest of Chinese DynastiesChapter 8 Islam in Xi’an Chapter 9 Yuan, Ming and Qing: 800 Years on the PeripheryChapter 10 The Plunder of Chinese Culture: the Example of Li Shimin’s Six Horses Chapter 11 A Foreign Traveller: Victor SegalenChapter 12 Xi’an Between the World Wars Chapter 13 The Rediscovery of Xi’an

长安向西,罗马向东(英文版) 作者简介

Edward BurmanBrought up and educated in Cambridge, England, Edward Burman worked in Italy for twenty-five years and Iran for five years. He has worked as a Partner in an international consulting company, as board director of an investment firm, and as an academic and author. He is currently engaged in documentary film-making. Since 2003 he lives in Beijing and travels to xi’an almost monthly. This is his eighteenth published book. Among which are Shift!: The Unfolding Internet - Hype, Hope and History (John Wiley, London, 2003), Live Like a Gentleman (Commercial Press, Beijing, 2006), and China,the Stealth Emperor: Why the World Is Not Chinese yet (Sutton, Stroud, 2008).爱德华伯曼生长并受教育于英国剑桥,曾在意大利工作25年、在伊朗工作5年,曾经从事跨国公司代表及出版社编辑等职业。2003年起在北京、西安生活,并且足迹遍及中国的大江南北,出版过《改变:互联网的大肆宣传、希望与历史》(伦敦:约翰威立父子出版公司,2003年)、《像绅士一样生活》(北京:商业出版社,2006年)、《中国隐形的皇帝:为什么世界还不是中国的》(斯特劳德:Sutton,2008年)等十余部著作。

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