LONG JOURNEY FOR CIVILIZATION作者:徐国琦 开 本:大16开 书号ISBN:9787508536064 定价:268.0 出版时间:2019-01-01 出版社:五洲传播 |
本书讲述*次世界大战期间,中国派出14万华工到西线为英、法军队服务,为协约国取得大战的胜利作出了重要贡献。主要内容:1.*次世界大战与中国;2.“以工代兵”战略的出笼和法国招工团;3.英国招工团;4.华工数字问题;5.华工在法国的生活;6.华工对*次世界大战的贡献;7.华工与中国寻求新的国家认同和国际化。 After years of study, Professor Xu Guoqi wrote his book.It introduces the life and work situation of 140,000 Chinese laborerswho went to France during the First World War to present full and accurate historical data on their contribution to the war effort. It also probes the impact brought about by their presence in France from the perspective of the exchanges between oriental and western civilizations.
中国与*次世界大战有什么关系?华工在*次世界大战中扮演了怎样的角色?徐国琦教授20多年来遍访世界各地档案,借助大量珍贵史料,以国际化的研究视野、从人类文明交流与进步的角度,为我们完整地还原了一战期间14万多华工背井离乡奔赴西线战场,拯救欧洲文明于水火的真实故事,并深刻剖析了华工参战对中华民族寻求新的国家认同和国际化的重要作用。 This book tells the stories of these Chinese laborers against a backdrop of exchanges between civilizations and the struggles of the Chinese people to enter and become equal members of the international community in order to contribute to the revival of the Chinese nation and promote world peace. Their history belongs to the world.
PrefaceForeword / 2I. The “Great War” and Radical Changes in China / 13II. China’s Countermeasure: “Sending Laborers Instead ofSoldiers” / 35III. A Long Journey / 91IV. Strangers on the Western Front / 117V. Glory of Blood / 167VI. Teaching and Learning Promote Each Other: Chinese Eliteand Laborers Abroad of the ‘Great Generation’ / 199VII. Expedition for Civilization: Chinese Laborers’ Contributionand Role in History / 223VIII. Whereabouts of Chinese Labour Corps in World War I / 245Postscript / 276Annotations / 279Acknowledgement / 297LONG JOURNEY FOR CIVILIZATION 作者简介
徐国琦,安徽枞阳人。南开大学历史系研究生毕业,1991年赴美留学,1999年获哈佛大学历史系博士学位。现为香港大学历史系教授。主要著作有“国际史”三部曲:《中国与大战:寻求新的国家认同和国际化》(剑桥大学出版社2005年英文版,上海三联书店2008年中文版);《奥林匹克之梦:中国与体育,1895—2008》(英文,哈佛大学出版社2008年出版);《西线战场陌生客:华工与第一次世界大战》(哈佛大学出版社2011年英文版,上海人民出版社2014年中文版《一战中的华工》);目前正致力于“共享历史”三部曲的写作及研究:《中国人与美国人:一部共享的历史》(哈佛大学出版社2014年英文版,广西师大出版社拟出版中文版);《亚洲与大战:一段共有的历史》(该书系英国牛津大学出版社约稿,已完稿,英文版应于2016年底出版);《关于中国:一个共享的历史》(仍在研究中)。Xu Guoqi, native of Zongyang, Anhui Province. Graduated from the Department of History of Nankai University in Tianjin, and went to study in the United States in 1991. He received a doctorate degree in history from Harvard University in 1999. Now he is Professor of History Department of University of Hong Kong. His main works include the trilogy of the international history:China and The Great War: China’s Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization (Cambridge University Press, 2005, English edition; Shanghai Triple Bookstore, 2008, Chinese edition);Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008 (Harvard University Press, 2008, English edition);Strangers in the Western Front: Chinese Workers and World War I (Harvard University Press, 2011 English edition; Shanghai People’s Press, 2014 Chinese edition Chinese Workers in World War I);New works on trilogy of “shared history”:Chinese and Americans: A Shared History (Harvard University Press, 2014 English edition);Asia and the War: A Common History (to be published by Oxford University Press, UK);About China: A Shared History (under study).徐国琦,安徽枞阳人。南开大学历史系研究生毕业,1991年赴美留学,1999年获哈佛大学历史系博士学位。现为香港大学历史系教授。主要著作有“国际史”三部曲:《中国与大战:寻求新的国家认同和国际化》(剑桥大学出版社2005年英文版,上海三联书店2008年中文版);《奥林匹克之梦:中国与体育,1895—2008》(英文,哈佛大学出版社2008年出版);《西线战场陌生客:华工与第一次世界大战》(哈佛大学出版社2011年英文版,上海人民出版社2014年中文版《一战中的华工》);目前正致力于“共享历史”三部曲的写作及研究:《中国人与美国人:一部共享的历史》(哈佛大学出版社2014年英文版,广西师大出版社拟出版中文版);《亚洲与大战:一段共有的历史》(该书系英国牛津大学出版社约稿,已完稿,英文版应于2016年底出版);《关于中国:一个共享的历史》(仍在研究中)。 Xu Guoqi, native of Zongyang, Anhui Province. Graduated from the Department of History of Nankai University in Tianjin, and went to study in the United States in 1991. He received a doctorate degree in history from Harvard University in 1999. Now he is Professor of History Department of University of Hong Kong. His main works include the trilogy of the international history:China and The Great War: China’s Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization (Cambridge University Press, 2005, English edition; Shanghai Triple Bookstore, 2008, Chinese edition);Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008 (Harvard University Press, 2008, English edition);Strangers in the Western Front: Chinese Workers and World War I (Harvard University Press, 2011 English edition; Shanghai People’s Press, 2014 Chinese edition Chinese Workers in World War I);New works on trilogy of “shared history”:Chinese and Americans: A Shared History (Harvard University Press, 2014 English edition);Asia and the War: A Common History (to be published by Oxford University Press, UK);About China: A Shared History (under study).
历史 历史知识读物 世界史
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