天柱导引功-中华传统经典养生术-(汉英对照)-附光盘作者:肖斌 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787547825594 定价:68.0 出版时间:2015-05-01 出版社:上海科学技术出版社 |
天柱导引功-中华传统经典养生术-(汉英对照)-附光盘 本书特色
本书为《中华传统经典养生术》之一,主要介绍了天柱导引功这一传统练功方法的源流、理论基础、功法操作与应用,并配教学光盘。 天柱导引功主要依据传统经典的功法传承以及上海市气功研究所在临床和教学实践中切实有效的特色养生功法精炼集成,源流清晰,习练操作图文、视频演示到位,汉英对照,全彩印制,非常适合国内外气功爱好者阅读。
天柱导引功-中华传统经典养生术-(汉英对照)-附光盘 内容简介
天柱导引功-中华传统经典养生术-(汉英对照)-附光盘 目录
源流 history理论基础 theoretical foundation经络与气功meridians and qigong特色与要领 characteristics and essential principles功法特色characteristics of tian zhu dao yin gong伸stretching松relaxation静tranquility功法要领essential principles tian zhu dao yin gong松紧结合、伸筋拔骨combine intensity with relaxation and stretch tendons and bones动静结合、刚柔相济combine motion with stillness and integrate hardness with softness姿势准确、持之以恒keep accurate postures and be perseverant功法操作 movements of tian zhu dao yin gong天柱摆动法individual movements of tian zhu swing exercise**势 顶天侧转拔天柱movement # 1 lift the sky and turn the body to pull the spine第二势 左右望月敲天柱movement # 2 look at the moon from both sides and tap the spine第三势 左右侧弯弓天柱movement # 3 bend to left and right to pull the spine第四势 前弯后仰转天柱movement # 4 bend forward and lean backward to rotate the spine三紧三松法individual movements of three-intense and three-relaxed method三紧法three-intense exercise **势 前倾站桩往后瞧movement # 1: stand with upper body forward to look back第二势 吐纳导引理三焦movement # 2: exhale and inhale to regulate sanjiao第三势 单脚下蹲壮筋气movement # 3: squat on one foot to strengthen the tendons三松法three-relaxed exercise**势 拍打肩并理首躯movement # 1: tap the shoulders to regulate the head and torso第二势 拍打曲池祛瘀滞movement # 2: tap quchi (li 11) to resolve stagnation第三势 拍打胯部理躯肢movement # 3: tap the hips to regulate torso and limbs应用 application 疏通经络unblocks meridians调和气血harmonizes qi and blood伸筋拔骨stretches the tendons/bones祛病健身removes diseases and promotes health经络图 the meridian charts天柱导引功-中华传统经典养生术-(汉英对照)-附光盘 作者简介
体育/运动 武术/气功
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