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图的因子和匹配可扩性 内容简介

简介   《图的因子和匹配可扩性》是由高等教育出版社出版的。

图的因子和匹配可扩性 目录

1 Matchings and Perfect Matchings1.1 Definitions and terminologies1.2 Matcinngs in bipartite graphs and augmenting path.1.3 Matchings in non-bipartite graphs1.4 Sutfieient conditions for 1-factors1.5 Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem1.6 Number of 1-factors2 Degree Constraint Factors2.1 Characterizations of factors2.2 Factors in bipartite graphs2.3 Factors with special properties2.4 L-factor3 Factors and Graphic Parameters3.1 Toughness and k-factors3.2 Toughness and [a,b]-factors3.3 Binding number and factors3.4 Connectivity and factors3.5 Other parameters and existence of factors4 Component Factors and Connected Factors4.1 Star factor4.2 Path and cycle factors4.3 El-Zahar's Conjecture and other component factors.4.4 Connected [a,b]-factors4.5 Connected (g,f)-factors4.6 Generalized trees5 Elementary Graphs and Decomposition Theory5.1 Elementary graphs and 1-extendable graphs5.2 Ear decomposition5.3 Minimal graphs and more decompositions5.4 Bricks and optimal ear decomposition6 k-Extendable Graphs and n-Factor-Critical Graphs6.1 Characterizations and basic properties6.2 Equivalence and recursive relationships6.3 Matching extension and graphic parameters6.3.1 Matching extension and forbidden subgraphs6.3.2 Matching extension and toughness6.3.3 Matching extension in planar graphs and surfaces6.3.4 Matching extension, degree sum and closure operations6.3.5 Matching extension and product of graphs6.3.6 Matching extension and other parameters6.4 Extendability of symmetric graphs7 Extremal k-Extendable Graphs and Generalizations7.1 Maximal and minimal k-extendable graphs7.2 Generalization of matching extension7.3 Variations of graph extension8 Fractional Factors of Graphs8.1 Fractional matchings8.2 Fractional (g, f)-facturs8.3 Parameters and fractional factors of graphs8.4 Maximum and minimum fractional (g, f)-factors8.5 Connected fractional factorsIndexReferences

图的因子和匹配可扩性 节选

《图的因子和匹配可扩性》讲述了:Graph theory is one of the branches of modern mathematics which has shown impressive ad vances in recet years.An explosive growth of graph theory is witnessed due to its essential roles providing structural and indispens-able tools in computer science,communication networks and combinatorial optimization problems.


自然科学 数学 代数数论组合理论


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