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作者:莫哈帕特拉(Rabindra N.Mohapatra)

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统一理论和超对称-第3版 本书特色


统一理论和超对称-第3版 内容简介


统一理论和超对称-第3版 目录

preface to the third edition
preface to the second edition
preface to the first edition
1 important basic concepts in particle physics
1.1 introduction
1.2 symmetries and currents
1.3 local symmetries and yang-mills fields
1.4 quantum chromodynamic theory of strong interactions
1.5 hidden symmetries of weak interactions
2 spontaneous symmetry breaking
2.1 symmetries and their realizations
2.2 nambu-goldstone bosons for an arbitrary non-abelian group
2.3 some properties of nambu-goldstone bosons
2.4 phenomenology of massless and near-massless spin-0 bosons
2.5 the higgs-kibble mechanism in gauge theories
2.6 group theory of the higgs phenomenon
2.7 renormalizability and triangle anomalies
3 the su(2)l x u(1) model
3.1 the su(2)l x u(1) model of glashow, weinberg, and salam
3.2 neutral-current interactions
3.3 masses and decay properties of w and z bosons
3.4 fermion masses and mixing
3.5 higher-order-induced flavor-changing neutral-current effects
3.6 the higgs bosons
3.7 su(2)l x u(1) model with two higgs doublets
3.8 puzzles of the standard model
3.9 outline of the various scenarios
3.10 beyond the standard model
4 cp violation: weak and strong
4.1 cp violation in weak interactions
4.2 cp violation in gauge models: generalities
4.3 the kobayashi-maskawa model
4.4 left-right symmetric models of cp violation
4.5 the higgs exchange models
4.6 strong cp violation and the 0-problem
4.7 solutions to the strong cp problem without the axion
4.8 summary
5 grand unification and the su(5) model
5.1 the hypothesis of grand unification
5.2 su(n) grand unification
5.3 sin2 ow in grand unified theories (gut)
5.4 su(5)
5.5 grand unification mass scale and sin2θw at low energies
5.6 detailed predictions of the su(5) model for proton decay
5.7 some other aspects of the su(5) model
5.8 gauge coupling unification with intermediate scales before grand unification
6 symmetric models of weak interactions and massive neutrinos
6.1 why left-right symmetry?
6.2 the model, symmetry breaking, and gauge boson masses
6.3 limits on mzr and rnwr from charged-current weak interactions
6.4 properties of neutrinos and lepton-number-violating processes
6.5 baryon number nonconservation and higher unification
6.6 sin2θw and the scale of partial unification
6.7 left-right symmetry--an alternative formulation
6.8 higher order effects
6.9 conclusions
7 so(10) grand unification
7.1 introduction
7.2 so(2n) in an su(n) basis [3]
7.3 fermion masses and the "charge conjugation" operator
7.4 symmetry-breaking patterns and intermediate mass scales
7.5 decoupling parity and su(2)r breaking scales
7.6 second z' boson
8 technicolor and compositeness
8.1 why compositeness?
8.2 technicolor and electroweak symmetry breaking
8.3 techni-composite pseudo-goldstone bosons

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