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非理想等离子体的量子统计-(影印版)作者:克伦普 等著 开 本:16工 书号ISBN:9787301227107 定价:92.0 出版时间:2013-07-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
4.11 self-energy in rpa. single-particle spectrum
5. bound and scattering states in plasmas. binary collisionapproximation
5.1 two-time two-particle green's function
5.2 bethe-salpeter equatio in dynamically screened ladderapproximation
5.3 bethe-salpeter equation for a statically screenedpotential
5.4 effective schrodinger equation. bilinear expansion
5.5 the t-matrix
5.6 two-particle scattering in plasmas. cross sections
5.7 self-energy and kadanoff-baym equations in ladderapproximation
5.8 dynamically screened ladder approximation
6.thermodynamics of nonideal plasmas
7.nonequilibrium nonideal plasmas
8.transport and relaxation processes in nonideal plasmas
9.dense plasmas in external fields
非理想等离子体的量子统计-(影印版) 作者简介
著作责任者:〔德〕克伦普(D. Kremp),〔德〕施兰格斯(M. Schlanges), 〔德〕克雷夫特(W.-D. Kraeft)

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