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非线性超分辨纳米光学及应用 本书特色

     随着光电子信息技术、纳米科技和生物生命科学的发展,要求光学成像或光刻的分辨率达到亚波长甚至纳米尺度。然而,由于受到阿贝衍射极限的制约,无论是光刻的特征线宽、光盘存储器件的*小记录点尺寸、还是光学图像的分辨率,按照传统的衍射光学理论很难突破半波极限。对此,科研人员提出了各种方法和手段来挑战半波极限,实现纳米尺度的光学分辨率。jingsong wei所著的《非线性超分辨纳米光学及应用(英文版)(精)》首先分析和介绍了目前突破光学衍射极限的常见方法的原理和实验方案,然后聚焦于利用薄膜材料(特别是半导体薄膜)光学非线性效应来突破阿贝衍射极限。从薄膜材料非线性折射和吸收的表征方法出发,分析半导体薄膜以及金属掺杂半导体薄膜的非线性吸收和折射特性。      

非线性超分辨纳米光学及应用 目录

1 generalmethodsforobtainingnanoscalelightspot
  1.1 introduction
  1.2 near-field scanning probe method
    1.2.1 aperture-type probe
    1.2.2 apertureless-type metal probe
    1.2.3 tip-on-aperture-type probe
    1.2.4 c-aperture encircled by surface corrugations on a metal film
    1.2.5 nonlinear self-focusing probe
  1.3 solid immersion lens method
  1.4 surface plasmonic lens
  1.5 stimulated emission depletion fluorescence microscope methods
2 third-order nonlinear effects
  2.1 introduction
  2.2 nonlinear refraction
  2.3 nonlinearabsorption
3 characterization methods for nonlinear absorption and refraction coefficients
  3.1 introduction
  3.2 theory and setup ofbasic z-scan method
    3.2.1 description ofbasic principle
    3.2.2 dataanalysis for z-scan curves
  3.3 generation and elimination of pseudo-nonlinearity in z-scan measurement
    3.3.1 incidentangle as a function ofz-scan position
    3.3.2 dependence of transmittance on incident and polarization azimuth angles
    3.3.3 incident angle change-induced pseudo-nonlinear absorption
    3.3.4 calculated pseudo-nonlinear absorption curves
    3.3.5 reduction or elimination of pseudo-nonlinear absorption
  3.4 eliminating the influence from reflection loss on z-scan measurement
    3.4.1 fresnel reflection loss in the z-scan measurement
    3.4.2 the case of thin samples
    3.4.3 the case of nanofilm samples
  3.5 influence of feedback light on z-scan measurement
    3.5.1 influence of feedback light on semiconductor laser devices
    3.5.2 elimination of feedback light influence on z-scan measurement
4 optical nonlinear absorption and refraction of semiconductor thin films
  4.1 introduction
  4.2 theoretical basis
    4.2.1 two-band model for free-carriers-induced nonlinear effects
    4.2.2 three-band model for nonlinear absorption and refraction
    4.2.3 thermally induced nonlinear absorption and refraction
  4.3 nonlinear absorption and refraction of semiconductor thin films.
    4.3.1 nonlinear saturation absorption of c-sb-based phase-change thin films
    4.3.2 nonlinear reverse saturation absorption and refraction ofc-insb thin films
    4.3.3 nonlinear reverse saturation absorption of aglnsbte thin films
    4.3.4 nonlinear absorption reversal of c-ge2sb2te5 thin films
    4.3.5 nonlinear saturation absorption and refraction of ag-doped si thin films.
  4.4 summary
5 nanoscale spot formation through nonlinear refraction effect
  5.1 introduction
  5.2 interference manipulation-induced nanoscale spot
    5.2.1 nonlinear fabry-perot cavity structure model
  5.3 self-focusing effect-induced nanoscale spot through “thick”samples

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自然科学 物理学 光学
