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磁学和磁性材料-(影印版) 本书特色

《磁学和磁性材料(magnetism and magnetic materials)》是影印版英文专著,原书由剑桥大学出版社于2009年出版。本书包含了磁学和磁性材料方面的基本物理概念、实验方法和应用,内容丰富而系统,着重强调了从纳米尺度到天体物理尺度的实际计算方法和数值量。本书提供了丰富而实用的磁材料信息,详细介绍了多种主要的磁材料。   《磁学和磁性材料(magnetism and magnetic materials)(英文影印版)》适合物理、材料等研究方向的科研工作者和研究生阅读。

磁学和磁性材料-(影印版) 内容简介


磁学和磁性材料-(影印版) 目录

list of tables of numerical data
1 introduction
 1.1 a brief history of magnetism
 1.2 magnetism and hysteresis
 1.3 magnet applications
 1.4 magnetism, the felicitous science
2 magnetostatics
 2.1 the magnetic dipole moment
 2.2 magnetic fields
 2.3 maxwell's equations
 2.4 magnetic field calculations
 2.5 magnetostatic energy and forces
3 magnetism of electrons
 3.1 orbital and spin moments
 3.2 magnetic field effects
 3.3 theory of electronic magnetism
 3.4 magnetism of electrons in solids
4 magnetism of localized electrons on the atom
 4.1 the hydrogenic atom and angular momentum
 4.2 the many-electron atom
 4.3 paramagnetism
 4.4 ions in solids; crystal-field interactions
5 ferromagnetism and exchange
 5.1 mean field theory
 5.2 exchange interactions
 5.3 band magnetism
 5.4 collective excitations
 5.5 anisotropy
 5.6 ferromagnetic phenomena
6 antiferromagnetism and other magnetic order
 6.1 molecular field theory of antiferromagnetism
 6.2 ferrimagnets
 6.3 frustration
 6.4 amorphous magnets
 6.5 spin glasses
 6.6 magnetic models
7 micromagnetism, domains and hysteresis
 7.1 micromagnetic energy
 7.2 domain theory
 7.3 reversal, pinning and nucleation
8 nanoscale magnetism
 8.1 characteristic length scales
 8.2 thin films
 8.3 thin-film heterostructures
 8.4 wires and needles
 8.5 small particles
 8.6 bulk nanostructures
9 magnetic resonance
 9.1 electron paramagnetic resonance
 9.2 ferromagnetic resonance
 9.3 nuclear magnetic resonance
 9.4 other methods
10 experimental methods
 10.1 materials growth
 10.2 magnetic fields
 10.3 atomic-scale magnetism
 10.4 domain-scale measurements
 10.5 bulk magnetization measurements
 10.6 excitations
 10.7 numerical methods
11 magnetic materials
 11.1 introduction
 11.2 iron group metals and alloys
 11.3 rare-earth metals and intermetallic compounds
 11.4 interstitial compounds
 11.5 oxides with ferromagnetic interactions
 11.6 oxides with antiferromagnetic interactions
 11.7 miscellaneous materials
12 applications of soft magnets
 12.1 losses
 12.2 soft magnetic materials
 12.3 static applications
 12.4 low-frequency applications
 12.5 high-frequency applications
13 applications of hard magnets
 13.1 magnetic circuits
 13.2 permanent magnet materials
 13.3 static applications
 13.4 dynamic applications with mechanical recoil
 13.5 dynamic applications with active recoil
 13.6 magnetic microsystems
14 spin electronics and magnetic recording
 14.1 spin-polarized currents

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自然科学 物理学
