数值线性代数及其应用作者:Xiao-qing Jin,Yi-min 开 本:24cm 书号ISBN:9787030139542 定价:88.0 出版时间:2005-08-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
数值线性代数及其应用 本书特色
Numerical linear algebra, also called matrix computation, has beea cen-ter of scientific and engineering computing since 1946, the first modercom-puter was born. Most of problems iscience and engineering finally becomeproblems imatrix computation. Therefore, it is important for us to study nu-merical linear algebra. This book gives aelementary introductioto matrixcomputatioand it also includes some new results obtained irecent years.
数值线性代数及其应用 内容简介
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数值线性代数及其应用 目录
PrefaceChapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Basic symbols
1.2 Basic problems iNLA
1.3 Why shall we study numerical methods?
1.4 Matrix factorizations (decompositions)
1.5 Perturbatioand error analysis
1.6 Operatiocost and convergence rate
Chapter 2 Direct Methods for Linear Systems
2.1 Triangular linear systems and LU factorization
2.2 LU factorizatiowith pivoting
2.3 Cholesky factorization
Chapter 3 Perturbatioand Error Analysis
3.1 Vector and matrix norms
3.2 Perturbatioanalysis for linear systems
3.3 Error analysis ofloating point arithmetic
3.4 Error analysis opartial pivoting
Chapter 4 Least Squares Problems
4.1 Least squares problems
4.2 Orthogonal transformations
4.3 QR decomposition
Chapter 5 Classical Iterative Methods
5.1 Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel method
5.2 Convergence analysis
5.3 Convergence rate
5.4 SOR method
Chapter 6 Krylov Subspace Methods
6.1 Steepest descent method
6.2 Conjugate gradient method
6.3 Practical CG method and convergence analysis
6.4 Preconditioning
6.5 GMRES method
Chapter 7 Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems
7.1 Basic properties
7.2 Power method
7.3 Inverse power method
7.4 QR method
7.5 Real versioof QR algorithm
Chapter 8 Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
8.1 Basic spectral properties
8.2 Symmetric QR method
8.3 Jacobi method
8.4 Bisectiomethod
8.5 Divide-and-conquer method
Chapter 9 Applications
自然科学 数学 代数数论组合理论
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