公共关系历史经典与当代杰作作者:德莱玛 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787309055757 定价:32.0 出版时间:2007-08-01 出版社:复旦大学出版社 |
Krupp in the World's Fairs
Krupp as PR Precursor
Open Fronts in the Public Relations Battle
3.Greedy Monsters 0r Lovely Giants?
Ivy L.Lee's PR Battle to Clean up the Name ofthe Rockefeller Family after the Ludlow Massacre Introduction
Public Perception of the Tragedy
Rockefeller's Toughest Batflefront
The Man Behind the Scenes:Ivy L.Lee
The Ludlow Campaign
Ivy L.Lee on Philanthropy
Lee's Own Reputation
4.Torches of Freedom
Edward L.Bernays:Public Opinion Engineer
Lighting Torches of Freedom——Public Perception
Torches of Freedom——A Second Look
Social Engineering
The Way to Subconscious
EthiCal Considerations
5.The Dark Side of Communication
Joseph Goebbels and His Nazi Propaganda Ministry
Joseph Goebbels:Hitler's Propaganda Super-Minister
Basic Ideas behind the Propaganda Factory
Feindbilder(Images of the Enemy)
Anti-Semitic Film
Power's Only Source
6.Rockwell's Four Freedoms Campaign
7.“Evil”Threats and Mass Hysteria
8.The Power of the Undecided and the Ignorant
9.The Dead and the Public
10.Worse Than Fate
Second Part:Public Relations in a Global Era:Modern Trends
11.Toward a Fourth Reich?
12.The Man and His Mule
13.Communication Jihad
14.TO win Is What Counts
15.Moral Legitimacy and War
政治军事 政治 公共管理
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