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作者:尼克·史蒂文森(Nick Stevenson)

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文化公民身份-世界性的问题 相关资料

But crucially involves the direct intervention of ethical communities,feminist campaigners, green networks, religious denominations, trade unions,ethnic organizations and parents' groups. A society-wide conversation isdependent upon the emergence of an 'energetic civil society' that is able to forceissues and perspectives on to a public agenda. A robust civil society ensures thatthe communicative basis of society never becomes completely colonized byagencies of money and power. Civil society, then, under certain circumstances,is able to convert itself into communicative power through the channels ofpublic communication and the activation of public normative sentiment. Forthe public sphere to be socially just, it must both prevent the manipulation ofthe public by forces with vested interests in social control and pull togetheran otherwise fragmented public. A widespread, publicly inclusive conversationwould shatter attempts at 'information processing strategies' and replace themwith genuinely communicative interests and passions. A communicative civilsociety would produce a cultural citizenship where the public were capable oflearning from one another's viewpoints. The creation of a robust civil society is, however, constantly threatened by thecolonizing capacity of money and power. According to Benjamin Barber (2001)there are at least three dangers to the creation of an engaged civil society.The first is the bureaucratic mechanisms of government that seek to manageand limit public criticism. These can emerge through hegemonic strategiesof 'incorporation' and exclusion, censorship and the division of oppositionalsentiments. The second is the belief that markets promote democratization.Markets tend to promote individualistic goals and choices, limiting our capacityto deliberate upon the common good. Finally, civil society is threatened by ayearning for undifferentiated and homogeneous communities. Whereas marketsfoster individual yearnings, they uninte

文化公民身份-世界性的问题 作者简介

尼克·史蒂文森(Nick Stevenson)英国诺丁汉大学社会学与社会政策学院高级讲师,著有《文化、意识形态和社会主义》(1995)、《媒介的转型》(1999)、《文化与公民身份》(2001)、《读懂男性杂志》(与彼得·杰克逊和凯特·布鲁克斯合著)(2001)、《理解媒介文化》(2002)等著作。


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