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中国和平发展与构建和谐世界 内容简介


中国和平发展与构建和谐世界 目录

the chinese people are committed to the path of peacefuldevelopment.  1. the path of peaceful development is a choice determined bychina's national conditions  2. the path of peaceful development carries forward china's finecultural traditions.  3. the path of peaceful development is a choice necessitated byhistory  4. the path of peaceful development is embodied by socialism withchinese characteristics  5. china seeks a peaceful global environment for self developmentand promotes world peace through its own development  6. one should view china's development achievements objectively,and appreciate a full picture of china.basic features of the path of china's peaceful develop- ment  7. scientific development  8. independent development  9. open development  10. peaceful development  11. cooperative development  12. common developmentgoals, pursuit and choice of path in china's peaceful development  13. the overall goals of china's peaceful development  14. the mid-to-long term goal of china's peaceful development  15. the near and medium-term goals of china's peacefuldevelopment  16. the choice of path to achieve the goal of peacefuldevelopment building a harmonious world of enduring peace andcommon prosperity  17. why should we build a harmonious world of enduring peace andcommon prosperity?  18. what does a harmonious world of enduring peace and commonprosperity mean?  19. how shall we build a harmonious world of enduring peace andcommon prosperity?

中国和平发展与构建和谐世界 作者简介

     郑必坚,四川省富顺县人,1932年出生。1952年加入中国共产党。1954年中国人民大学研究生毕业。中共十一届三中全会以后,曾任中共中央文献研究室组长,中共中央书记处研究室室务委员,中共中央总书记胡耀邦同志的政治助理,国务院国际问题研究中心副总干事,中国社会科学院副院长兼马列所所长,中共中央宣传部常务副部长,中共中央党校常务副校长,中国共产党第十四届、第十五届中央委员会委员。 现任国家创新与发展战略研究会会长,中共中央党校学术委员会主任,同时还兼任中国科学院大学人文学院名誉院长,中国科学与人文论坛理事长,中国国际战略学会高级顾问等社会职务。


政治军事 政治 世界政治


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