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见证中国-英文 本书特色

“拉美专家看中国”丛书,集中展现了拉美*中国学者对于中国的评述,展现了一个改革开放的中国、高速发展的中国、生机勃勃的中国,是世界读者认识中国的生动读物。恩里克•波萨达(Enrique Posada Cano)带给我们的是他在不同时期经历的中国的变迁。1966年波萨达从哥伦比亚出发,辗转墨西哥、温哥华、东京、香港,历经35小时的长途飞行之后到达北京。读者被带入的是一个千面多样的中国,更加重要的是,波萨达笔下的中国不仅仅是一个国家,而是历经4001年仍然存在、依然延续的文明。千年前孔夫子的思想言行,百年前大街上遛鸟、斗蛐蛐的人们,现代的独生子女家庭,在波萨达眼里都是中国文明的一部分。

见证中国-英文 内容简介

恩里克•波萨达(Enrique Posada Cano),哥伦比亚人,中国问题研究者、经济学家、作家、新闻工作者、国际问题专家、前外交家,他曾先后四次到中国工作和生活,共长达17载,被尊称为“*了解中国的哥伦比亚人”,曾参与翻译《*选集》《邓小平文选》西文版,数次参加中国共产党全国代表大会和全国人民代表大会的文件翻译工作。

见证中国-英文 目录

CONTENTSIntroductionExpedition to ChinaWe land in Hong Kong, next stop BeijingHong Kong, consumer paradiseThe Friendship HotelOur children get new namesPages from a stormA Colombian poet in troubleThe Decade of ChaosA filmmaker pilloriedOur first trip backLiving in China for not one but many yearsTwenty-two lessons learnedIn a house with a courtyard, friendship flourishesAnnals of changeBack ground to the reform and opening-upNeo-Confucian China and consumptionBeijing was a forest of cranesTo contradict Voltaire, everything changes in ChinaBeijing, rebuilt in ten yearsRemnants of the past and heralds of todayMy district, a neighbourhood of alleysThe commercial face of the reformsThe "floating population" and business feverThe reforms through the eyes of two Colombian diplomatsRevisiting BeijingChina past and presentInternational WatchtowerChina and the global crisisChina's position in global geopoliticsCultural traits and customsConfucianism, still current and constantBird walkersCaged crickets fightIn China, grandparents are in chargeThe China that hosts the Olympic GamesCharacteristics of the new Chinese familyMao Zedong, the poetReview and interviewsLaunch of Twice The Life In ChinaSeventeen years living in the grandeur of ChinaChina the novelEpilogue 见证中国-英文

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