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中国缉毒秘密战(英文) 内容简介

本书以纪实小说的形式,描写了在中国西南边陲,长期有一批神秘的人经营毒品交易,公安缉毒警察每次伏击,都莫名其妙失败。从大毒枭的内线传出消息,在公安缉毒警察内部有毒枭的卧底。缉毒队长章贵刚到热带雨林与内线接头,清查卧底,内线离奇被袭身亡。此事惊动了中国公安部高层,派出一支特别侦查小组到边境。中国缉毒警察与靠前缉毒联合会密切配合,展开了一场靠前范围内的生死较量。表现了中国缉毒警察与毒枭斗智斗勇以及缉毒战线英雄们维护国家和人民利益不畏牺牲的献身精神。本书作者定制一线深入云南、四川等十多个省市,冒着生死危险,与缉毒警察一起参加了缉毒行动,采访了数百位的缉毒英雄、毒贩、吸毒者,用三年的时间完成此书。可以说,这是继湄公河大案之后的另类生死较量的一部书。情节曲折生动,可读性强。 通过讲述自己如何从普通农家少年成长为新中国外交官并很终成为外交部长的人生历程,作者首度坦承个人外交生涯中的苦乐酸甜。 通过勾画中国外交的历史脉络,本书抢先发售系统阐释了中国外交布局、本质、原则及新内涵。 通过追忆中美“炸馆事件”、中俄边界谈判、中日围绕历史问题的外交斗争、在联合国的涉台外交斗争等的幕后细节,本书披露了近十年来中国重大外交事件的决策和谈判过程,揭示了历史事件背后的真相。 通过记录作者与各国政要等的私人交往、应对与处理各种外交问题的丰富实践,本书展现了中国外交官的风采,并抢先发售梳理了一代外交人的经验与智慧。 为迎接十九大的召开,本系列邀请知名专家学者撰文,配以轻松的手绘图,从辉煌历程、民主政治、经济改革、文化建设、社会民生等十个主题讲述中国共产党治国理政的新理念新思想新战略。内容很好不错,简明轻松。多语种传播。总书记指出,提高国家文化软实力,关系“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现。本书立足于讲述中国是如何加强文化软实力建设,弘扬社会主义优选文化,深化文化体制改革,增强人民精神力量,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣。 作者以随笔的形式,记录了作者与中国40年的关系,真实记录了中国改革开放40年来,在政治、经济、文化、对外交流方面所发生的巨大变化。书中描述了1978年以及现在的北京、广州等城市的街头场景以及人们的生活状况,还配有一些鲜活的照片,形象生动。同时书中还有一些中日文化交流的细节描述,从侧面反映了中国改革开放所取得的辉煌成就。

中国缉毒秘密战(英文) 目录

Chapter 1
A Battle of Patience and Wits; A Choice between Life and Death
Chapter 2
Finding the Source of Meth Formula; Decoding the Sea Dog Drug Factory
Chapter 3
Overthrowing Ruan Long and Allying with Jun Ge Gang; Going Undercover for Operation Sea Dog
Chapter 4
Finding the Hidden Drugs in Goddess of Mercy Statue
Chapter 5
The Drug Lord Captured; In-Depth Investigation Leads to Cam Ranh Bay Plan
Chapter 6
Making of New Poppy Plan and Clever Rescue of Saro in the Golden Triangle
Chapter 7
A Big Order Placed in the Golden Triangle; Abducted in a Secret Room
Chapter 8
Base C Shocked the Seventh Special Administrative Region; New Air Route Directly to Cam Ranh Bay
Chapter 9
Chasing Traders in Cam Ranh Bay; Weaving the Drug Lord Network on Dun Wei Island
Chapter 10
Played along and Drew the Snake out of the Hole; Deployed a Trap on the Phoenix Peninsula
Chapter 11
Exchanged Information to Arrest Drug Lords; Met Relatives Thousands of Miles Away
Chapter 12
Tracked the Deal of a Colombian Blonde
Chapter 13
Dived into the Sea to Catch the Murderer; Joint Operation by International Antidrug Forces

中国缉毒秘密战(英文) 节选

  《中国缉毒秘密战》:  There were endless stretches of mountains and waters in Liangshan. Thorny jujubes and mangosteen fruits scattered along the mountain roads drenched in rain, made it rather hard to travel there.  For years, heroin and cocaine had been rampant among the local villagers. At the beginning, a few rich villagers brought heroin back to serve important guests,which played a similar socialising role as cigarettes. “Take a puff,” invited they  Middle-aged men were the first to have a try The drugs magically opened their mouths and let out their words. Soon more villagers joined in. Within no more than three years, heroine had spfead among other villagers, making all these men and women, the elderly and the young addicted. Worse still, the villagers know-ing nothing about hygiene, began to use needle to inject the drug. Injectors were re-used and cross-used. Therefore, drug injection led to HIV infection and spread to hundreds, and then thousands of people.  Currently, drug dealing and trafficking in Liangshan has been controlled to a certain extent under the joint efforts of law enforcement agencies and civil society. However, HIV had shown a trend of spreading from high-risk groupsto the general population. The situation of women and children in the farrulies with HIV-infected patients and drug addicts was deteriorating. Due to the death,disability,imprisonment or blind exodus of people in this area, many families had coUapsed, leaving more and more innocent children orphaned, homeless and un-cared for. Moreover, early marriage and childbearing were common in the village and every family had on average 2 to 4 children. Death of children from malnutri-tion happened frequendy; and children‘s minds and bodies suffered severely from  strenuous manual labor prematurely Dropout orphans were common to see and most of them had no access to medical treatment; some orphans lived in dilapi-dated houses; and more and more children were going to cities as fugitive.  Therefore, more children in this village were adversely affected by drugs and AIDS than those in other regions in Liangshan. They were seriously lacking in nutrition and mostly appeared dark and thin.  Suppression and detoxification of drugs had become critical issues in the Daliangshan mountainous area. Experts had written several articles to reveal that Daliangshan and Xiaoliangshan had been long plagued by drugs since the 1990s.  State-Ievel poverty-striken counties Zhaojue County, Meigu County, Butuo Coun-  ty and Yuexi County in the hintedand of Daliangshan were the hardest hit areas for drug trafficking and abusing. People of Yi ethnicity accounted for over 94% of the population of each county. Due to its speciallocation and poverty, Liang- shan became a channel for drug dealers to transport dugs from the Golden Trian- gle to Sichuan Province through Yunnan Province.  ……

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