孔子-《中国思想家评传》简明读本-中英文版作者:周群 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787305066115 定价:28.8 出版时间:2010-03-01 出版社:南京大学出版社 |
孔子-《中国思想家评传》简明读本-中英文版 本书特色
the collection of critical biographies of chinese thinkers, under the general editorship of the late honorary president of nan jing university, professor kuang yaming, is the largest-scale project of research materials on chinese thinkers undertaken since the beginning of the twentieth century. standing on the shoulders of this great man and other 200 well-known chinese professors, this collection of concise chinese-english version is not only based on aprofound academic foundation, but also exhibits a brand new feature which is the virtue of explaining the profound in a simple way, hence leading readers to mastery of the contents; it also incorporates a refined principle of selection, a simple mode of evaluation and commentary, and a moving narration of the stories and their wisdom.
confucius, the first great educator in chinese history and the most important thinker and the founder of confucianism, is revealed as a man of flesh and blood, of passions and aspirations, of triumphsand tragedies, and of surpassing cultural and intellectual import.
孔子-《中国思想家评传》简明读本-中英文版 内容简介
孔子-《中国思想家评传》简明读本-中英文版 目录
一 早年问学二 兴教与入齐
三 从政经历
四 周游列国
五 晚年归鲁
六 “敬天命而远之”——孔子的宗教观
七 “仁者爱人”——孔子的道德哲学
八 “有教无类”——孔子的教育思想
九 “修己以安百姓”——孔子的德治思想
十 “文质彬彬”——孔子的文艺观
十一 泽溉中华惠及寰宇——孔子的文化影响
孔子-《中国思想家评传》简明读本-中英文版 节选
哲学/宗教 哲学 哲学知识读物
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