WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版)

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WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版)

WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版)


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WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版) 相关资料

9.2.5 Conclusions
The motivation for this policy brief has been to consider whether intemational labor standards should be incorporated into the WTO and other trade agreements.The empirical literature summarized above suggests that mandating unsustainably high labor standards will not improve average wages and working conditions in poor countries. In fact, such mandates can both reduce the number of workers with better pay and working conditions and increase the number in poorer conditions, hence creating further inequality. The literature also shows that low labor standards do not provide developing countries with an unfair advantage in their export trade nor do they drive FDI. Hence, raising labor standards in poor countries will not protect jobs of workers in industrialized countries. What then should be done on the global level?
If one looks at the economic development of the United States, Western Europe, Japan and other advanced industrialized countries over the past century, it is evident that the real incomes of workers have increased dramatically and that the conditions of work have improved concomitantly. In recent decades, there have been similar improvements in a substantial number of developing countries,especially in East and Southeast Asia as well as in Latin America. What the historical record suggests therefore is that it is not through the external enforcement of labor standards that improvements have been realized, but through internal economic and social development and growth in a country's GNP. This means that governments in poor countries must implement solid growth strategies and target policies to eradicate poverty. Governments in rich countries can also help increase demand for poor countries' output by reducing the barriers to imports from these countries. Finally, conscientious consumers in rich countries can also play a small role in increasing demand for products that are not produced by children or sweatshops, while MNCs can en

WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版) 作者简介

Xuesen Zhang
LL.D, East China University of Political Science and Law, Arbitrator, Senior Economist, Associate Professor of Law, Director of the Law Faculty,Shanghai Finance University
Gary D. Patterson
J.D, Western State University College of Law at Fullerton, Professor, California State University at San Bernardino, Adjunct Professor, University of California at Riverside

WTO法律规则=Legal Rules of the World Trade Organization(英文版)

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