梦的解析-(英文版)作者:(澳)弗洛伊德 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787511707543 定价:68.0 出版时间:2011-05-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
梦的解析-(英文版) 内容简介
freudian psychological reality begins withthe world, full of objects. among them is a veryspecial object, the organism. the organism isspecial in that it acts to survive and reproduce,and it is guided toward those ends by its needs--hunger, thirst, the avoidance of pain, and sex. a part--a very important part--of theorganism is the nervous system, which has as oneof its characteristics a sensitivity to theorganism's needs. at birth, that nervous systemis little more than that of any other animal, an"it" or id. the nervous system, as id, translatesthe organism's needs into motivational forcescalled, in german, triebe, which has beentranslated as instincts or drives. freud also calledthem wishes. this translation from need to wishis called the primary process.
梦的解析-(英文版) 目录
introduction:freudand the scientific method
chapter 1(part 1)the scientific literature of dream-problems(up to 1900)
chapter 1(part 2)the scientific literature of dream-problems(up to 1900)
chapter 2 the method of dream interpretation
chapter 3 the dream as wish-fulfilment
chapter 4 distortion in dreams
chapter 5(part 1) the material and sources of dreams
chapter 5(part 2) the material and sources of dreams
chapter 6(part 1) the dream-work
chapter 6(part 2) the dream-work
chapter 6(part 3) the dream-work
chapter 6(part 4) the dream-work
chapter 7(part 1) the psychology of the dream processes
梦的解析-(英文版) 作者简介
弗洛伊德(Freud Sigmund 1856-1939),奥地利精神病医生,精神分析学派的创始人,终生从事著作和临床治疗。提出“潜意识”、“自我”、“本我”、“超我”、“伊底帕斯情结”、“性冲动”等概念,认为人类男性天生具有伊底帕斯情结,女性天生具有厄勒克特拉情结。其成就对哲学、心理学、美学甚至社会学、文学等都有深刻的影响,被世人誉为“精神分析之父”。他的思想极为深刻,探讨问题中,往往引述历代文学、历史、医学、哲学、宗教等材料。 政治学家保尔·娄森认为,弗洛伊德“毫无疑问是历史上最伟大的心理学家之一”,而且是“一位伟大的思想家”。神学家保尔·蒂利希认为他是“所有深层心理学家当中最有深度的一位”。
社会科学 心理学
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