世界知名语言学家论丛·外语写作作者:(美)弗里斯 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787544629317 定价:88.0 出版时间:2013-05-01 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 |
世界知名语言学家论丛·外语写作 内容简介
“世界知名语言学家论丛”之一。dana r. ferris教授是国际应用语言学界研究二语习得尤其是二语写作的专家,《世界知名语言学家论丛:外语写作》收录了她在这一领域的20篇重要论文,分为外语学习与习作、如何评价外语习作、如何修改外语习作三大部分。
世界知名语言学家论丛·外语写作 目录
chapter 1 my story:it was always about writing
part 1 l2 writing &l2 writers
chapter 2 lexical and syntactic features of esl writing bystudents at different levels of l2 proficiency
chapter 3 0ne size does not fit all:response and revisionissues for immigrant student writers
chapter 4 tricks ofthe trade:the nuts and bolts ofl2 writingresearch
chapter 5 understanding different l2 studentaudiences:definitions
chapter 6 written discourse analysis and second languageteaching
chapter 7 writing instruction
part 2 responding to l2 writers
chapter 8 student reactions to teacher response inmultiple-drab composition classrooms
chapter 9 teacher commentary on studentwritin9:descriptions&implications
chapter 10 the influence of teacher commentary on studentrevision
part 3 error correction for l2 writers
世界知名语言学家论丛·外语写作 节选
社会科学 语言文字
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