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学术英语的多维研究视角 本书特色


学术英语的多维研究视角 内容简介

《当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库》(共三辑)为中国市场上规模*大、覆盖学科分支*全的语言学读本系列;收入了当代语言学大师索绪尔、萨丕尔、布龙菲尔德、韩礼德、乔姆斯基、利奇等名家的*有影响的作品,并配有国内各领域专家撰写的中文导读;不仅包括各学科分支的入门级读物,也包括有一定学术深度和难度的读本。语言学文库系列出版十余年来,已在语言学领域形成很大的知名度,受到了国内语言学界和外语教学界的普遍好评,成为推动我国语言学教学与研究和外语教学与研究的一个宝库,具有重要的社会意义和学术价值。读者对象为高校英语专业高年级本科生、研究生及英语教师。   《学术英语的多维研究视角》从剑桥大学出版社引进,源于eap教学实践与课程研究领域,结合了理论和实践,是eap课程设置、教学设计和研究必读的参考书。  

学术英语的多维研究视角 目录

series editors' preface
part ⅰ issues in english for academic purposes
 1 issues in eap: a preliminary perspective
  john flowerdew and matthew peacock
 2 language use, language planning and eap
  chris kennedy
 3 eap-related linguistic research: an intellectual history
  john m. swales
 4 linguistic research and eap pedagogy
  brian paltridge
 5 international scientific english: the language of research scientists around the world
  alistair wood
 6 discipline specificity and eap
  caroline clapham
 7 world englishes: issues in and from academic writing assessment
  liz hamp-lyons and bonnie wenxia zhang
 8 addressing issues of power and difference in esl academic writing
  suresb canagarajah
 9 'i'll go with the group': rethinking 'discourse community' in eap
  sue starfield
 10 eap assessment: issues, models, and outcomes
  geoff brindley and steven ross
part ⅱ the english for academic purposes curriculum introduction
 11 the eap curriculum: issues, methods, and challenges
  john flowerdew and matthew peacock
 12 twenty years of needs analyses: reflections on a personal journey
  george braine
 13 the curriculum renewal process in english for academic purposes programmes
  fredricka l. stoller
 14 team-teaching in eap: changes and adaptations in the birmingham approach
  tony dudley-evans
 15 does the emperor have no clothes? a re-examination of grammar in content-based instruction
  donna m. brinton and christine a. holten
 16 the specialised vocabulary of english for academic purposes
  averil coxbead and paul nation
 17 language learning strategies and eap proficiency: teacher views, student views, and test results
  matthew peacock
 18 issues in eap test development: what one institution and its history tell us
  fred davidson and yeonsuk cbo
 19 teaching writing for academic purposes
  dana r. ferris
 20 reading academic english: carrying learners across the lexical threshold
  tom cobb and marlise horst
 21 incorporating reading into eap writing courses
  alan hirvela
 22 the development of eap oral discussion ability
  peter robinson, gregory strong, jennifer whittle, and
  shuichi nobe
 23 second language lecture comprehension research in naturalistic
  controlled conditions
  steve tauroza
 24 designing tasks for developing study competence and study skills
  in english
  alan waters and mary waters
 25 promoting eap learner autonomy in a second language
  university context
  tony lynch

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