社会传播的结构与功能作者:[美]哈罗德拉斯韦尔 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787565707407 定价:12.0 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:中国传媒大学出版社 |
社会传播的结构与功能 内容简介
社会传播的结构与功能 目录
社会传播的结构与功能 节选
A further set of significant equivalences is related tothe circuits of communication, which are predominantlyone-way or two-way, depending upon the degree of reci-procity between communicators and audience. Or, to ex-press it differently, two-way communication occurs whenthe sending and receiving functions are performed with e-qual frequency by two or more persons. A conversation isusually assumed to be a pattern of two-way communica-tion (although monologues are hardly unknown) .Themodern instruments of mass communication give an enor-mous advantage to the controllers of printing plants,broadcasting equipment, and other forms of fixed and spe-cialized capital. But it should be noted that audiences do"talk back," after some delay; and many controllers ofmass media use scientific methods of sampling in order toexpedite this closing of the circuit. Circuits of two-way contact are particularly in evi-dence among the great metropolitan, political, and cultur-al centers of the world.New York, Moscow, London, and Paris, for example, are in intense two-way contact,even when the flow is severely curtailed in volume (as be-tween Moscow and New York). Even insignificant sites become world centers when they are transformed into cap-ital cities (Canberra, Australia; Ankara, Turkey; theDistrict of Columbia, U. S. A.) ,A cultural center likeVatican City is in intense two-way relationship with thedominant centers throughout the world. Even specializedproduction centers like Hollywood, despite their prepon-derance of outgoing material, receive an enormous volumeof messages. A further distinction can be made between messagecontrolling and message handling centers and social for-mations. The message center in the vast Pentagon Build-ing of the War Department in Washington transmits withno more than accidental change incoming messages to ad-dressees. ……
社会科学 新闻传播出版
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