剑桥少儿英语考试辅导练习(1级)作者:(印) 纳加拉杰 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787533897499 定价:24.6 出版时间:2012-06-01 出版社:浙江教育出版社 |
剑桥少儿英语考试辅导练习(1级) 本书特色
权威实用 本系列辅导练习由富有30余年教学经验的权威专家geetha nagaraj 编写,由剑桥大学出版社授权出版。 高度仿真 全面参照剑桥少儿英语考试要求,提供高仿真习题训练,帮助考生轻轻松松过级。 标准化创新 参照标准样题,用形式多样的练习考查并巩固考试**的基础知识。 寓练于乐 趣味主题,仿真练习,穿插多种游戏活动,使备考充满乐趣。 步步为营 各级别习题的难度由浅入深,由此及彼,触类旁通。认真习练,考生可以步步为营,轻松从starters到 movers,再到 flyers,一路通关。
剑桥少儿英语考试辅导练习(1级) 内容简介
剑桥少儿英语考试辅导练习(1级) 目录
before you start/ filling in information about oneselfjoin it / joining word parts and pictures
clothes/ identifying clothes and writing the words
writing and matching word pairs
our zoo/ reading a picture story; narrating the story
shapes/ identifying shapes and colours
what am i?/ supplying words, completing the text and solving the puzzle
find the animals/ making words with letters
little word in big word/ identifying words within words
heads and tails/ making classroom related words
putting words in alphabetical order
doll's story/ reading a picture story; narrating the story
match and say/ asking and answering questions
write yes or no/ identifying objects; correcting wrong statements
lucky puppy/ reading a picture story; narrating the story
少儿 少儿英语 少儿英语考试
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