我是中国节-汉英双语作者:乔乔 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787508539065 定价:58.0 出版时间:2018-01-01 出版社:五洲传播 |
我是中国节-汉英双语 本书特色
我是中国节-汉英双语 内容简介
《我是中国节》是一本面向中外读者编绘的介绍中国传统节日的双语绘本书。从“节日小精灵”的视角,用朗朗上口诗歌般的语言,介绍了春节、元宵节、龙头节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中元节、中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节、祭灶节共十二个中国传统节日。每个传统节日配有色彩鲜艳,美轮美奂的节日插画,使读者能够感受到中国传统节日的魅力。每个节日还配有节日常识介绍和节日元素插画,使读者可以了解到中国传统节日的由来和相关习俗,增强了绘本书的知识性和趣味性。《我是中国节》绘本书有汉英双语和汉法双语两个版本,不仅适合三岁以上的儿童和成人进行双语阅读,也适合喜欢中国文化的外国读者阅读。作者乔乔,号二喬先生,致力于传承和推广东方传统文化的艺术家。书中的英文和法文部分由热爱中国文化的法国插画师美珊女士 ( Ms. Bérénice Zandonai ) 编译创作。《我是中国节》双语绘本书还特别邀请了“晓华亲子英语”公众号平台的人气小主播Emma小朋友进行中、英文配乐朗读。法文的配乐朗读由法国插画师美珊女士亲自录制。中国读者们在欣赏中国传统节日魅力的同时,还可以聆听到纯正的美式英语和时尚浪漫的法语。只需扫一扫绘本书背面的二维码,即可收听欣赏。希望中法两国作者和编者的努力,可以让中外的读者们感受到中国传统节日的魅力。祝大家阅读愉快!I am Chinese Festival is a bilingual picture book which introduces 12 Chinese traditional festivals with poetic languages and fantastic illustrations. Following the steps of our little protagonist, the readers can discover and feel the charms of Chinese traditional festivals such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival etc…The readers can also get to know the origins and the customs of each Chinese traditional festival by reading the part of Knowledge Links included in this picture book.
I am Chinese Festival has two versions: Chinese-English and Chinese-French (to be published). It is suitable to read for all the people who are interested in Chinese cultures. Mr. Josir, Chinese illustrator, loving oriental cultures, is the author of this picture book. Ms. Berenice Zandonai, French fashion designer, loving Chinese cultures, translated this picture book into English and French.
This picture book has trilingual audios for the poetic part. By scanning the QR code printed on the back cover of the book, the readers can listen to the trilingual audios for free.
Chinese and English audios are recorded by Emma, a 10-year old Chinese girl who can speak very fluently English. And French audio is recorded by French fashion designer, Ms. Berenice Zandonai.
Hope this picture book could help you to discover the more charms of Chinese traditional festivals.《我是中国节》是一本面向中外读者编绘的介绍中国传统节日的双语绘本书。从“节日小精灵”的视角,用朗朗上口诗歌般的语言,介绍了春节、元宵节、龙头节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中元节、中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节、祭灶节共十二个中国传统节日。每个传统节日配有色彩鲜艳,美轮美奂的节日插画,使读者能够感受到中国传统节日的魅力。每个节日还配有节日常识介绍和节日元素插画,使读者可以了解到中国传统节日的由来和相关习俗,增强了绘本书的知识性和趣味性。《我是中国节》绘本书有汉英双语和汉法双语两个版本,不仅适合三岁以上的儿童和成人进行双语阅读,也适合喜欢中国文化的外国读者阅读。作者乔乔,号二喬先生,致力于传承和推广东方传统文化的艺术家。书中的英文和法文部分由热爱中国文化的法国插画师美珊女士 ( Ms. Bérénice Zandonai ) 编译创作。《我是中国节》双语绘本书还特别邀请了“晓华亲子英语”公众号平台的人气小主播Emma小朋友进行中、英文配乐朗读。法文的配乐朗读由法国插画师美珊女士亲自录制。中国读者们在欣赏中国传统节日魅力的同时,还可以聆听到纯正的美式英语和时尚浪漫的法语。只需扫一扫绘本书背面的二维码,即可收听欣赏。希望中法两国作者和编者的努力,可以让中外的读者们感受到中国传统节日的魅力。祝大家阅读愉快!
I am Chinese Festival is a bilingual picture book which introduces 12 Chinese traditional festivals with poetic languages and fantastic illustrations. Following the steps of our little protagonist, the readers can discover and feel the charms of Chinese traditional festivals such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival etc…The readers can also get to know the origins and the customs of each Chinese traditional festival by reading the part of Knowledge Links included in this picture book.
少儿 中国儿童文学 传统文化
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